Sunday, 8 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

As the date draws nearer for the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) hearing on the legality of Israel’s expansion and annexation wall, being built on Palestinian property to “secure” settlements and unilaterally draw borders that are not in sync with world expectations or resolutions passed by the UN, world powers are failing to act on their rhetoric. They have allowed themselves to be manipulated and are taking stances, which not only go against their countries position, but also contribute towards derailing the situation even further while empowering the only occupation left on earth.

It seems that more countries, especially Australia, Canada, the EU and Russia, under pressure from the Americans have taken the Israeli argument to heart and are acting accordingly, while justifying their decision in the name of politics. Lady Symons, of the British Foreign office, had visited the West Bank and contradicted the construction of the wall, but is now concerned that the ICJ is "politicizing" the tense situation. “Our concerns relate to the role of the court, not the legality of the route of the fence. It remains our view that the building of the fence on Palestinian land is unlawful.” Yet Britain, like the US, Russia and many EU countries, is not willing to put their money where their mouth is and act to bring an immediate halt to the construction of the wall.

The Palestinians are expected to fight this fight on their own. The Palestinians accuse Israel of politicizing the case, while perpetuating the occupation of 4 million Palestinians against their will and against international law and resolutions. Fearing that by putting the occupation on trial, a precedent will be set whereby countries will have to answer to their moral obligations regarding past and present abuses, have caused these countries to line up against the hearing taking place on February 23. Today, the world powers can only offer the Palestinians verbal support and condemnation of the wall, while not assuring arbitration and intervention methods to acquire a real change.

“We believe that the court should not and cannot deal with this political issue, which has to be dealt with by direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.” This is the statement released by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, which assumes that Israel either has debated or was willing to discuss and negotiate with the Palestinians. Israel is taking this action unilaterally and the Palestinians are neither in a position to negotiate nor are they given the chance to do so. The equation is tipped and the imbalance of power between Israel, the occupier, and Palestine, the occupied, necessitates that they should not be placed in the same category if an equitable and just solution is to be reached.

It is useless to oppose Israeli action while taking away the only form that could ‘symbolically’ judge and convict war crimes such as that being committed by Israel through the construction of this wall. Omission to act on Israel’s numerous human rights violations, including those that are being trumped by the construction of the wall, impliedly places blame on the international community in what inadvertently becomes aiding and abetting in the suffering of the Palestinians.

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