Sunday, 8 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

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After 38 consecutive years of gruesome and illegal occupation, the highly anticipated and long awaited ‘Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza’ has begun. Throughout the past few weeks, the Israeli army and police have deployed as many as 50,000 Israeli forces amid fears that right wing Jewish settlers may stage a fierce resistance to pull out orders issued by the army. The Palestinian National Authority has also been busy deploying its troops in and throughout Gaza, in an attempt to make the pullout as smooth as possible, as well as quickly establishing itself as the sole Authority in Gaza. However, the focal point of this ‘Unilateral pullout’ is and should be, how free will Gaza be? How conducive is this ‘Unilateral’ move to genuine peace making between both parties that can bring about a just and comprehensive peace deal? And finally what are the true motives behind this unilateral pullout and what can Palestinians and the international community deduce from this?

To begin with, realistically Gaza will not be free by any means or standards if certain prerequisites are not met. A recent report released by the Special Envoy for the UN Human Rights Commission, John Dugard, stated that the ‘Gaza disengagement plan’ will not mean an end to the Israeli military occupation of Gaza. The main reason for this is Israel’s insistence on maintaining control of all the borders, including territorial waters off the Gaza coast and supremacy in the airspace above Palestinian territory. The Israeli army may be dismantling all its military camps, bases and outposts from within Gaza itself, and evacuating all of the 8000 settlers that have dominated Gaza and most of its natural resources for decades; but for ordinary people to be able to move freely within Gaza is nothing for Palestinians to be thankful for, or that one can consider as being true freedom.

In this particular case, freedom is defined by the ability of average Palestinians to move in and out of Gaza, through land, sea and air. Till today, with less than 24 hours left for the full eviction of settlers, the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people have been kept to figure out the fate of the crossings. To date, Israel has refused a Palestinian request to reopen Gaza’s International Airport, Israel has refused to put the Rafah crossing between Palestine and Egypt under Palestinian and Egyptian rule and finally Israel has insisted that it control the much anticipated and media hyped linkage between the West Bank and Gaza. All these pending questions bring us back to point number one, even following the pullout, the rhetorical question remains, how free will Gaza be?

With concerns to peace making, the Israeli cabinet is not hiding their self-righteous attitude and ‘moral superiority,' all the while snickering behind everyone’s backs; this is a unilateral measure, not bilateral and certainly not trilateral. The formula for genuine and successful peace making is very simple: intensive bilateral negotiations with frequent input by third parties (e.g. The Middle East Peace Quartet) according to an agreed framework. However, once again the Palestinian National Authority has been left to tango alone. Unilaterally disengaging from Gaza is not in anyway complementary to international law and legitimacy, neither to the land for peace formula, nor the vision of a two-state solution that President George W. Bush has supported through the internationally backed ‘Road Map.’

With the current momentum and with the many precedents Israel has set, the chance for a true, just and comprehensive peace deal is diminishing rapidly. Palestinians and the international community want Gaza to be first but definitely not last. With Israel’s conduct in the West Bank it is rather clear that Israel is prejudicing the future status of the West Bank and Jerusalem, effectively ending a virtual peace process that has sadly not really begun.

If, following the ‘Unilateral Disengagement Plan,’ Gaza will not truly be free and if this unilateral measure is hardly conducive to a genuine peace between Israeli’s and Palestinians, it might be worth pondering what the true intentions of the State of Israel are and why Israel chooses to go through with this move? In reality, the ‘Unilateral Disengagement Plan’ is a measure that is complementary to the Israeli government's policy, of being in a mad rush to create new and irreversible facts on the ground, in east Jerusalem and the West Bank at large. In a recent briefing by the Palestinian Legislative Council member and Secretary-General of MIFTAH (The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy) Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, commented on the ‘Gaza Disengagement’ by deeming it a plan devised to, “maximize geography while minimizing demography.” With all the negative aspects that have been mentioned, concerning the ingenious ‘unilateral disengagement plan,’ it is an imperative to uncover what it really means. In actual fact, the Gaza disengagement plan is a smokescreen or PR plot to divert international attention, from Israel’s continued policy pursued with concerns to the status of Jerusalem, and the West Bank. While the world at large focuses on the ‘Gaza disengagement,’ Israel is continuing its theft of Palestinian land, house demolitions at frightening rate, as well the continued construction of the ‘Segregation Wall,’ ultimately aiming to ethnically cleanse and simultaneously Judeaize east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

To put the ‘Unilateral Gaza Disengagement Plan’ into perspective is to explore how “free” Gaza will be the day after disengagement, or how conducive this measure will be to bringing about a much needed peace to this war torn region. If Israel continues to act upon its intentions and ambitions in the West Bank, it is fair to say that the ‘Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza’ is another setback in a long list of other impediments. Hence, if the international community wants to see authentic peace unfold in the Middle East it needs to seriously address issues such as the quiet annexation of Jerusalem, the Annexation and Segregation Wall, the continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank, daily closures and forceful prohibition to free movement (military checkpoints) and finally the continued policy of targeted killings. Only then can both parties be elevated to a point where they are convinced that negotiations become the only alternative for achieving peace.

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