Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

When Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the Seeds of Peace Conference in May 1998, she supported the establishment of a Palestinian State in the service of fairness, justice, and peace.

That is why she received a standing ovation from the representatives of the Palestinian people when she visited Gaza with her husband President Bill Clinton in December 1998.

The significance then of the First American Family’s lighting of the Christmas tree in Manger Square in Bethlehem was imbued with a renewed sense of promise and hope despite the very painful conditions of the Israeli occupation and the crisis in the peace process.

It was invigorating for the Palestinian people to hear statements of principle and moral politics from an American public personality (albeit not official) after a long history of bias, victimization, and manipulation of Palestinian rights for the sake of domestic politics and narrow self-interest.

Like a breath of fresh air, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s stance dispelled the dark clouds of cynicism and distrust and regained some credibility for the US in the region.

We contrasted her position then to that of Republican candidate Bob Dole who sold out the Palestinians (by selling out Jerusalem to the Israelis) the moment he launched his presidential campaign, despite the fact that he knew better. At that time, we stated that Dole would not win the pro-Israeli lobby votes and funds; he will only lose the respect of the people who had seen in him a person of principle and integrity.

That was then. Now, with Dole occupying the position of an “also-ran,” the Palestinians are experiencing a strong sense of déjà vu as they follow Hillary Clinton’s flagrant attempts at courting the pro-Israeli lobby.

Once again, Jerusalem has become the currency in hand to be used in exchange for ballot polls and campaign funds.

Not satisfied with expressing total and unquestioning support for Israel in her speech before the National Jewish Democratic Council, Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at a Hadassah award ceremony, offering them Jerusalem as the “eternal and indivisible capital under Israeli sovereignty.”

Ignoring the fact that Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory, and that the fate of the city as a whole is to be determined in final status negotiations, Ms Clinton also forgot that she is not entitled to distribute other people’s land or to determine issues of sovereignty.

As a Senate hopeful, running in her non-native New York, Hillary Clinton has openly turned in her peace and justice credentials for the dubious and short-term gains of the pro-Israeli lobby support.

The turn-about started with her senate campaign in July 1999. In a letter to the Orthodox Union (an umbrella organization for 750 Jewish groups), Ms Clinton expressed her support for a strong Israel and for moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

At that time, her critics included members of the Jewish peace camp as well as of mainstream think tanks and media.

By adopting such a position, it was remarked, she was contradicting US policy and undermining her husband’s administration’s attempts at preventing the total collapse of the peace process.

Moreover, she was perceived to be meddling in international affairs for the sake of winning votes at home, knowing that foreign policy is not within the priorities or even the mandate of a candidate for the US Senate.

To the rest of the world, her position on Jerusalem not only served to undermine the US role as sponsor of the peace process (with a minimal requirement of even-handedness and non-prejudicial or preemptive actions) but it also violated international law and the resolutions of the international community (cf the European position on UN Resolution 181).

To the Palestinians, this confirmed their deep-seated fears that they and their rights are the credit account from which US election candidates draw to win votes and gain public office.

Congressional bills and letters on Jerusalem have become a pattern in the US legislative branch’s appeasement of the strong pro-Israeli special interest groups—particularly AIPAC. No Palestinian/Arab lobby or voter accountability system remotely comparable to the pro-Israeli lobby is in existence. Thus the politics of convenience and self-interest have habitually taken precedence over the politics of justice and morality.

Even self-interest, however, has to be seen in the larger context of the global role, credibility, interests and standing of the US.

Exploiting the weakness of the Palestinians, and taking the Arab world for granted, is a shortsighted policy. Regional and global agendas for the 21st century require a more objective and responsible discharge of responsibility from the US.

This is particularly true of the American role in peacemaking and the prevention of conflicts throughout the world.

When meddling in other people’s lives and the future of their children, it is always wise to consider the implications and consequences of such moves.

Neither Palestinian rights nor the future of peace can withstand more assaults by political hopefuls (or incumbents) in the US.

The same advice given to the US Congress also applies to Hillary Rodham Clinton: Don’t rush in where angels fear to tread. Jerusalem is not yours to give away; nor do you have jurisdiction over the lives of all peoples in the region who have made a commitment to a just peace.

A seat in the House or the Senate may prove to be too costly to bear.

When Hillary Rodham Clinton supported Palestinian statehood, we said then that it took a woman to stand up for the truth and for justice. Now concerning her Jerusalem prejudicial statements we say, it's not too late. It takes a woman to admit a wrong and to begin the process of rectification.

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