Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The course of human history is shaped both by visions and actions, and continues to be documented on the basis of significant events and chronology.

In Palestine, we are witnessing a convergence of all composite elements in a space that has long been imbued with symbolic significance and meaning.

The “Holy Land” is not inherently sacred; as a “spiritual” landscape it can lay claim to the imagination and allegiance of all humanity—particularly in aspects of faith and revelations for the three monotheistic religions.

The rich texture of its heritage of pluralism, tolerance, inclusion, and authenticity is a testimonial to the spirit of harmony in diversity.

Its other legacy of pain, conflict, conquest and greed have simultaneously attested to the real existence of “the dark side of the moon” in the geographical landscape of Palestine.

At once timeless and timely, spiritual and material, liberating and captive, Palestinian dualism is an expression of the essential human paradox.

Two thousand years ago, a message of hope, peace, justice, mercy, joy, and redemption emanated from this part of the world. Palestine was thus instantly transformed to become the launching ground for contemporary human history.

As the world embarks on its third millennium, it is time to approach the message itself and to recapture the sense of wonder and awe that was part of the original vision.

The very simplicity and humility of the message is in itself the source of the immense magnitude and grandeur of the vision and its overwhelming impact on humanity.

The question is not one of faith—for that remains a question of personal commitment and belief.

Rather it is one of persuasion and conviction.

One need not search for “other worldly” dimensions or absolutist claims to The Truth.

Rather one should forge a system of values, with appropriate instruments and institutions, capable of shaping and organizing human conduct and relations in this world.

The dawn of a new millennium requires an act of will of universal dimensions, with the human being firmly placed at its center.

Complex global realities require a simple focus and workable sets of relationships to maintain and enhance the integrity of both natural and human existence as one of meaning, value, dignity, and advancement.

Any celebration of the millennium must simply begin with the celebration of the human spirit and its right to a space of freedom and unhampered potential.

It must recognize inclusive diversity and celebrate the harmony inherent in a boundless universe of ideas and identities as the essence of the creative impulse and the drive towards genuine peace.

It must embrace the challenge of constant change as the dynamic of growth, for progress is rooted in the will to defy rigid and confined norms and perceptions.

It must embody the courage to seek and shape the future while affirming the multiple legacy of the past beyond the defensiveness of both denial and dogma.

It must strive to fulfill a timeless promise, for redemption begins with a modest pledge to “do better.”

With two millennia to build on, the third should not be so difficult.

We do not need new epiphanies or global revelations.

We should not tremulously anticipate apocalyptic visions or eschatological pronouncements.

Conversely, petty isolation and self-involvement are not the solution.

So we should enter the new millennium with confidence, not as its victims but as its shapers, with the will to enact those principles with the simplicity and humility of their original articulation.

Such is the substance of a genuinely grand and ambitious vision.

By the Same Author
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