Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The heated debate in the Israeli Knesset (parliament) concerning Israel’s nuclear arsenal betrays the ostrich politics prevalent in the Israeli political establishment—so long as we don’t admit it publicly, no one will know about it.

Actually, long before Mordechai Va’nunu’s dramatic disclosures (published in the Sunday Times, October 1986) that revealed the extent and lethal potential of Israel’s nuclear weapons program (200-300 thermo-nuclear warheads), very few people questioned Israel’s status as the foremost nuclear power in the region.

It has also become a matter of public knowledge (and concern) that Israel has developed the largest number of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, and chemical) in the area.

The ominous silence accompanying the El Al plane crash over Amsterdam and the effects of its lethal chemical warfare cargo (still being felt today) is part of another flimsy international cover up.

Sporadic leakages and mysterious symptoms described by victims living in the vicinity of the Demona nuclear reactor and the nuclear dumps or the laboratories developing biological and chemical weapons in central Israel are also given the silent treatment.

It is no surprise also that the one working group that was significantly absent from the resumption of the multilateral working groups at the end of the Steering Committee Meetings on February 1st in Moscow was the one on Arms Control and Security.

Israel had insisted on controlling everybody else’s arms while ensuring its exclusive security and threatening that of the rest of the region.

Israel’s persistent refusal to subject its nuclear program to any kind of inspection or oversight, and its refusal to sign any relevant treaty (including the NPT and the Total Test Ban) are part of its total lack of transparency and accountability in this most destructive of endeavors.

Significantly, it has enlisted full and unquestioning American support and complicity in this illegal and horrendous threat to the lives and future of millions and coming generations in the region as well as to the environment and the planet itself.

Other potential (or actual) nuclear powers in the region are subjected to extreme punitive measures (including military strikes) under the pretext that they are “undemocratic and unstable” regimes that threaten the security of the region.

Israel, on the other hand, is given full blessings as a country above the law and not subject to the standards and norms that govern the behavior of civilized states because it is a “close ally” of the West and is a “democracy” with “stable and reliable” leadership.

If the criteria for nuclear transparency and accountability are based on the nature of the “regimes” as defined by the US, then these should be included in the instruments and treaties being signed as part of global protection.

The behavior of the Israeli government and army (using equally lethal weapons of individual destruction) during occupation is no source of comfort or assurance. Ask any Palestinian whose home was demolished, who was shot with live ammunition, who was imprisoned without trial and tortured with impunity, who was tear-gassed repeatedly, or who suffered endless other methods of subjugation and oppression, and you’ll reach the conclusion that Israel is not such a stable, reliable, democratic, and humane state that can be entrusted with the power of massive death.

It is even more imperative in these days of globalization and interdependence to have uniform standards that are applied objectively and across the board with no preferential treatment or impunity for any party.

Also of equal urgency is the need to get rid of all weapons of mass destruction, regardless of the owner country, and declare the whole region a nuclear free area. Disarmament is the best safeguard against the temptation to exercise unbridled power.

Deterrence has never worked as an excuse or in reality; it has merely contributed to the stepping-up of the arms race.

The time has come to scrutinize this Armageddon-in-waiting and to open up the public “secret” of Israel’s destructive capability.

In this context, one can only salute the courage of MK Issam Makhoul for daring to demand disclosure and for resorting to the High Court to obtain a ruling for its debate in the full session of the Knesset.

By the Same Author
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