Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Frequent flyer (US envoy) Dennis Ross seems to have added the title of postman to his other roles.

Variously described (with some levity) as the “energizer bunny” or the “yo-yo” or the “peace shuttle” or the “window cleaner” (ref. Window of Opportunity), Ross seems to have concentrated his most recent efforts on his mail duties as deliverer of messages and packages.

Regardless of the speed or efficiency of the delivery, the contents remain sadly lacking and the results disappointing.

The most obvious flaw is in accepting the role assigned by Barak to the US—secondary spectatorship.

The second flaw is in the level of US participation—3rd-level underlings—with the marked absence of presidential or even secretary of state direct involvement.

The third flaw is in playing by the rules imposed unilaterally by Israel—sliding timetables and shifting priorities—with a front-burner/back-burner game with the Syrian track, otherwise known as political musical chairs.

The fourth flaw is in acceding to Israeli domestic priorities and maneuvers, whereby negotiations first take place with the settlers, and then proceed to appeasement with Mifdal, also to be followed with trade-offs with Shas, then (time and energy permitting) are presented in the form of decrees or media statements to the Palestinian side.

The fifth flaw is in the total dissociation between actual behavior and verbal declarations—whether in settlement activities or in collective repression.

The sixth flaw remains a sin of omission as in Israel’s balking at honoring signed interim phase agreements, mainly in the withdrawals (all phases and stages), the northern “safe passage,” the release of Palestinian political prisoners, among others.

The seventh flaw is in the continued predominance of hard-line rhetoric concerning the agenda of permanent status talks, and in the total absence of political will to engage and to present Israeli formulations that have any relationship to legality or any hope of forming a basis for negotiations.

The eighth flaw is in the persistence of the mentality of occupation, whether in the treatment of the Palestinian people and the leadership alike, or in the underlying assumptions of superiority and the right to control and dictate.

The ninth flaw is in the misguided notion that time is an infinite commodity and that the peace process (and Palestinian public opinion and realities) can be placed on perpetual hold pending Barak’s sporadic epiphanies.

The tenth flaw is in the American swallowing of all of the above—hook, line, and sinker—and assuming that the Palestinians and the Arabs will continue to dance to the tune of the saxophone while warplanes and bulldozers play a different beat.

Dennis Ross, therefore, cannot claim the defense of being purely a messenger. Although in the tradition of Greek (and other) tragedies the messenger is often unfairly punished for the nature of the message he/she carries, in this case the medium is the message and the choice of role is in itself the fatal flaw.

By the Same Author
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