Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Clearly, the statement of French PM Leonid Jospin during his visit to Israel describing Lebanese resistance as “terrorism” was a provocation to Arab public opinion and a departure from official French policy.

Undoubtedly also, the violent reaction of students at Bir Zeit University is entirely unacceptable and a violation of the required norms of democratic discourse and the peaceful expression of dissent.

This action-reaction cycle, however, should be viewed as an indicator and as an overt expression of more serious phenomena that deserve immediate attention and action.

The reaction of the students was exacerbated by underlying feelings of frustration, anger, distrust and hostility generated by a build-up of factors that found expression in this response.

Beneath the seemingly placid surface of diplomatic formulaic jargon, Palestinian public opinion is seething with a pent-up energy that threatens to explode at any provocation. Its most immediate target may not necessarily be the intended or most appropriate recipient.

Palestinians are feeling increasingly victimized by a peace process that has become a cover for further Israeli violations and hostile incitement.

Israel has stepped up its settlement activities, continued its siege policies, repeatedly reneged on signed agreements, and launched a public campaign of extremist hard-line rhetoric on permanent status issues.

All the while, it has positioned itself as the sole arbiter on the substance and outcome of negotiations and has adopted the racist high-handed attitude of unilateral coercion and creation of prejudicial facts.

Israel has also indulged in repeated attempts at humiliating the Palestinian side while exercising increased control that has severely restricted the Palestinian people’s freedom of movement and produced even greater economic hardships.

Barak, enjoying the unquestioning friendship and support of his western allies, has gone to extremes that Netanyahu would not have dared to begin—witness the rapid building of the Jabal Abu Ghuneim and the Ras al-Amud settlements, as well as the thousands of building permits throughout the Israeli settlements.

Yet the Palestinians are being asked to swallow both insult and injury for the sake of a hollow process that has lost both its substance and credibility.

Beyond that, Israel has played off the Syrian track against the Palestinian track, with the result of undermining both while destroying confidence universally.

In addition, Israel has succeeded in inflaming the whole Arab world with its bombing raids on Lebanon, repeatedly striking civilian targets and infrastructure with arrogance and impunity.

Then it conveniently pulls out the label “terrorist” and brandishes it in the face of any one that dares to stand up to Israeli violence, occupation, or distortions.

The Palestinian people for decades have been on the receiving end of such racist stereotypical distortions and have consequently suffered a double victimization—that of blaming the victim.

Hence their understandable sympathy for and identification with the Lebanese people.

But when foreign officials, envoys, representatives and even heads of state begin to adopt the diction and distortions of Israel, and when they succumb to Israeli blackmail and adopt positions that undermine international law and Palestinian rights (cf. EU Parliament Speaker Nicole Fontaine), Palestinian patience and tolerance are stretched to the limit.

Europe is also beginning to show the impact of the formation of a strong pro-Israeli lobby that is both influencing domestic realities and producing negative foreign policy formulations.

Already exhausted by the repeated exploitation of Palestinian rights for the sake of campaign funding and votes in US elections, and deafened by the opportunistic rhetoric of all candidates (senatorial and presidential) from whatever party, the Palestinian people are fed up.

The Palestinian cause and Palestinian rights cannot afford such candidates an infinite line of credit with which to buy favor with AIPAC and its ilk.

Should the Europeans begin such pandering in their party politics and campaign maneuvers, then justice would not stand a chance and peace will become an unattainable commodity.

Barak is being wooed and given unconditional support and a priori pardons as a means of finding a role in the international (peace making) arena or carrying favor with the pro-Israeli lobby, but the Palestinians are paying the price.

The peace process as well cannot afford such a run on its holdings of legality and integrity.

The repeated external blows sustained by the Palestinians are made more painful by the absence of an internal buffer. Instead of adopting a nation building policy of empowerment by democratic means and the rule of law, the Palestinian Authority is contributing to internal discontent and lack of confidence by its own lack of accountability and persistent violations.

The powder keg is in place. Any spark may produce an instant explosion. This time, Jospin happened to be in the area and the consequences were not drastic or irremediable.

Next time, the eruption may not be so containable and the consequences may be far-reaching and long lasting.

By the Same Author
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