Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli official sources have been indulging in a constant stream of “leakages,” speculations, and numerical proposals concerning the future Palestinian State and the amount of land Israel is prepared to “cede” for the establishment of such a state.

These “trial balloons” were launched with the 50-40-10% formula indicating a recognition of the Palestinian state on 40% of the occupied Palestinian territory, with the immediate annexation by Israel of 10%, and leaving 40% for future negotiations.

Shimon Peres raised the bid recently to an 80% handover while Haim Ramon proposed a 70% handover, a 10% annexation by Israel, and a 20% joint-control area for a period of ten years.

All versions of this “public auction” base their “bids” on erroneous assumptions and premises:

The most glaring misconception is the assumption that the Palestinian State is a “concession” from Israel, or is conditional upon Israeli approval, or is in itself subject to negotiations and compromise, rather than being a right and an essential requirement for a just peace.

It is also inconceivable that any Palestinian will relinquish those rights guaranteed by international law (the right of return, the right to self determination, the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by war, etc) for the sake of Israel’s “approval” of a state.

Another misguided Israeli notion is that the Palestinians will be willing to pay Israel a “price” for their state—let alone such an exorbitant and unavailable price as demanded by Israel:

Jerusalem will never be abandoned or replaced at any price, and no amount of “inducements” will succeed in finding any Palestinian who will accept Israel’s illegal annexation of Jerusalem or its illogical “substitutes” as a consolation prize.

Nor is the Palestinian refugees’ right of return a salable or an exchangeable commodity.

Nor can the illegal Israeli settlements acquire a sudden and miraculous legitimacy as expressions of Israeli extraterritoriality or as a new form of apartheid.

Nor is land theft and annexation a question of quantity; the pertinent principle and UN resolution 242 apply to all the occupied territory equally.

Nor is Israel empowered to design a Palestinian state unilaterally, according to its own specifications and to suit its own priorities. A fragmented, diminished, demilitarized, pseudo- or quasi- state will be neither acceptable nor viable.

Nor is Palestinian public opinion a non-existent entity capable of being ignored or dropped from consideration. No Palestinian leadership can even begin to contemplate such preposterous Israeli gambits without immediately self-negating with its own people—refugees and residents alike.

Such a “statelet” will be nothing more than a provocation and an insult to Palestinian intelligence and rights.

Furthermore, Israel is entirely mistaken in its negotiating strategy of bringing the final status talks to a new transitional phase based on the previous “functional” approach or another “probationary” period for the Palestinian leadership.

Nor are the Palestinians willing to forego the third phase of redeployment (withdrawal from all occupied areas with the exception of permanent status issues and specified military locations) or to merge it with final status talks.

The Declaration of Principles signed on the White House lawn in September 1993 has already undergone transformations, prolongation, manipulations, renegotiation, distortions, and non-implementation.

If such a sorry state of affairs commonly known as the “peace process” is to rescue the last remaining vestiges of its miniscule credibility and diminishing constituency, then the state-for-a-price equation must be dropped forthwith.

The Palestinian State is not only priceless; it is also not a state at any price where the cost is the very existence, viability, and substantive rights and reality of its land and people.

Nor is it a mini-state within the state of Israel, tailored to accommodate the immediate needs of Israel, the US, or any other party that wishes to declare the Palestinian Question solved once and for all to serve its own interests.

The solution to the Palestinian Question is the only path to a just and comprehensive peace in the region. And the only solution is that which complies with international law and ensures justice for the Palestinian people.

Thus the right of return, Jerusalem, the June 4, 1967 boundaries, and full sovereignty, as the indispensable and indisputable components of justice, are not on the auction block.

A sale of the nature being proposed will succeed only in exchanging the prospects of peace for the inevitability of conflict.

By the Same Author
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