Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On Wednesday, May 17, the Israeli Knesset voted in the first reading on two bills of tremendous significance to the future of peace.

Despite the fact that these bills still require three more readings as well as committee deliberation to be promulgated as law, they are alarming indicators of a fatal flaw in Israeli perceptions of the peace process.

The first legislation deals with the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem and calls for maintaining Israel’s sovereignty over the city within its present boundaries; any changes would demand an absolute majority in the Knesset.

That same majority is demanded for any acceptance by Israel of the Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their homes and lands within what has become Israel since 1948.

Thus the Knesset has appointed itself the arbiter of Palestinian rights.

Thus the Knesset has determined that its domestic legislation supersedes and nullifies international law.

Thus the Knesset has decided that the issues on the agenda of permanent status talks (as per the DOP) are non-negotiable since they can be determined unilaterally by an internal vote.

It is no wonder then that the Palestinians are beginning to question the need to negotiate at all.

While Israeli executive circles are busy leaking news of “progress” in the Stockholm negotiating channel, the legislators are busy passing illegal legislation to prevent any substantive progress on the two most significant issues being negotiated.

While Palestinian prisoners are suffering from their continued incarceration as hostages to the process and the Palestinian people are joining their hunger strike and demonstrating in solidarity, Israel not only turns its back on their plight; it also sends a clear message to the Palestinian people and leadership alike that signed agreements are meaningless and future agreements are becoming impossible.

While more than seven million Palestinians are commemorating their “Nakba,” the tragic loss of their land and their collective victimization through dispossession, dispersal, and exile, they are being told by a handful of Israeli legislators that all those rights applicable to refugees everywhere in accordance with international law are withheld from the Palestinian refugees by decree of the usurper.

Had the Serbs decided to pass such a bill to prevent the Kosovar refugees’ right of return, the global outcry would have been deafening.

Had the Indonesian parliament passed such a bill to prevent the East Timorese return, the outrage would have been enormous.

What makes Palestinian human rights different from those of other peoples’ rights? What makes Palestinian lands legitimate prey to the greed and acquisition of others?

Such rhetorical questions deserve forthright answers despite their apparent simplicity.

It is time for Israel to be treated and judged like all other states as a country bound by the laws and norms that govern the behavior of civilized nations.

International instruments do not give license for some countries to be above the law and beyond accountability.

In the same way, they do not single out one nation for persistent oppression and victimization as being beyond the protection of the law.

Perhaps the answer lies not in the identity of the victim, but in the privilege of power enjoyed by the conqueror.

This unbridled power, and the arrogance of unquestioned control, may have been behind the introduction of these bills in the Knesset.

Should they be adopted, then the price will be paid by all concerned.

The peace process is neither a Palestinian invention nor an exclusive privilege.

By attempting to block the path of peace through denying Palestinian rights, these parliamentarians are doing their own people an injustice by perpetuating an already painful and tragic conflict.

It is unthinkable that in their drive to grab short-term (ill-gotten) gains, Israeli legislators are sacrificing the long-term rewards of peace and the promise of a quiet life.

By the Same Author
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