Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Palestinian people have been yearning for freedom, justice, and the exercise of their right to self-determination on their own land.

For decades, they have been resisting aggression, occupation, and the systematic and pervasive deprivation of all their basic rights and fundamental freedoms.

With the partial removal of some forms of Israeli occupation, and with the formation of the PNA, the Palestinians looked towards their day in the sunshine—the termination of their prolonged suffering and the vindication of their long struggle and will not only to survive but also to establish a system of governance that would represent the epitome of those principles which they had so assiduously sought.

They viewed the establishment of a democratic system based on the rule of law to ensure the preservation of their rights and freedoms as an indisputable right and as an essential component of the nation-building process.

Instead of the liberating atmosphere of a collective endeavor to embody statehood within efficient, transparent and accountable institutions, and to establish a just legal system with an independent judiciary and a law enforcement agency that is bound by the rule of law, the Palestinian people have been faced with an increasingly centralized system that flagrantly disregards the rule of law and violates their individual and collective rights with impunity and persistence.

The militarization of society has become more evident in the proliferation of security forces and their increasing power and with the establishment of a military state security court system that has further undermined the civilian judiciary and the exercise of due process.

Arbitrary and political arrests have become prevalent, and the silencing of dissent has taken the form of closing down radio and television stations and the intimidation of the print media that have succumbed to the practice of self-censorship, manipulation, and reticence.

The Legislative Council has either succumbed to pressure and/or cooption (with several of its members physically assaulted and beaten and others joining the PNA and becoming apologists for an Authority whose violations and abuses they had previously deplored), or become an ineffectual forum for verbal protests and complaints, with an automatic majority vote guaranteed for the executive and a dual role for its speaker-cum-negotiator.

Civil society institutions and NGO’s have come under systematic attack to undermine their credibility and limit their freedom culminating in the illogic of the formation of a ministry for such organizations.

The peace process has also become an instrument of internal distortions with incessant demands on the Authority to crack down on the opposition, to put an end to “incitement,” and to ensure the docility of a people systematically victimized by the injustices of a flawed process that has adopted the security of the occupier as its priority while willfully ignoring and violating the security and rights of the occupied.

Recently, a number of radio and television stations were arbitrarily shut down then reopened, including the Voice of Love and Peace (for airing a live interview by a teachers’ union leader) and the Wattan television station for covering the confrontations with the Israeli army in protest at the continued Israeli detention of Palestinian prisoners.

Today, May 30th, Radio Al-Manara and An-Nasr television station were also silenced.

In the meantime, Palestinian radio reporter Fathi Barqawi (from the official PBC) who was arrested on the 27th continues to languish in Ramallah prison following a “complaint” by some of his colleagues that he had criticized the PNA, had dropped the title “His Excellency” from regular radio reporting, had accused some officials of introducing a “black list” to be boycotted by the PBC Radio, among other such “grave” transgressions.

In that same prison, Omar Assaf, who had been arrested on the 5th of May, is till being held without charges (and without access to legal counsel) for accusing the PNA of mismanagement of funds—i.e. instead of allocating funds to alleviate the economic plight of the striking teachers in the public school system, the PNA was wasting badly needed resources.

Abu Ali Muqbel, a director general in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, has had his hair shaved off while being held in the same prison since the 21st for joining a protest rally in support of Palestinian prisoners and publicly denouncing the secret negotiations channel.

Scores of other detainees are being held in other centers for incitement and for escalating the protests that had brought grief to the Israelis who, instead of releasing the Palestinian prisoners whom they continue to hold unjustly and whose plight had caused the protests in the first place, demanded the arrest and silencing of protestors.

None of the Palestinian detainees had gone beyond what is being whispered or even publicly expressed by the Palestinian people and even by members of the PNA.

They, however, have become a representative sample of the fate of political opposition, public expressions of criticism and dissent, media “liberties,” and union activism.

The case of opposition academic Abdel-Sattar Qassem, who had signed the famous “petition of the 20” and had refused to recant, continues to cause alarm while awaiting the results of his appeal to the supreme court scheduled to be heard on June 3rd.

Thus we are witnessing the alarming emergence of a political culture based on secret reports and “snitching,” on intimidating critics and opposition, on exaggerating charges to become national security issues, then on hiding behind the President to carry out punitive and unlawful measures.

This is real “incitement”; ironically, however, it is taking place against the people and widening the gap between the people and the leadership.

The resultant situation of internal instability and public disaffection compounded with insecurity and intimidation is not in anybody’s interest.

The Palestinian people deserve internal justice in the form of a genuinely democratic system of governance as they seek national justice in the form of a durable and legitimate peace.

Without internal empowerment and a cohesive constituency for peace, no agreements can be sustained or translated into an active reality on the ground.

Nor can any leadership face external challenges without the legitimacy of popular support through participation and accountability.

The disequilibrium in the current equation weakens both democracy and peace, while the Arabic proverb still holds true:

“The injustice of your own kin is more abhorrent than the impact of the sharpest sword.”

It is time for a candid and courageous reassessment of what matters have come to in the internal Palestinian body politic, and to chart a course that would rectify such aberrations. Self-inflicted wounds are always the most painful.

By the Same Author
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