Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

With one full sweep, US President Bill Clinton succeeded in undermining American standing in the peace process and throughout the region as an "even-handed peace broker," in provoking Arab and Islamic (as well as Christian) public opinion, and in undermining the chances for peace in the region.

The notorious Clinton interview on Israeli television was seen, at best, as peevish and petty, and at worst as a cynical manipulation of the peace process for the sake of narrow self-interest and short-term gains.

To the Palestinians it was nothing short of blatant political blackmail-a thinly-disguised attempt at coercion and arm-twisting-to bring the Palestinians to their knees, in other words to compliance with the Israeli version of realities and of the outcome of the peace process.

On the "threat" to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, Clinton is in danger of violating international law and long-standing US policy by negating UN resolution 181 that does not recognize any Israeli sovereignty over any part of the city. The inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the "land for peace" equation as the basis of the peace process are also violated.

Ironically, while cautioning the Palestinians against any "unilateral" act that would bring about dire consequences, the US itself is announcing its readiness to carry out such a dangerous and illegal "unilateral action" with no understanding of its consequences.

Furthermore, the land on which the proposed US embassy is to be built in Jerusalem is Palestinian property confiscated by the Israelis in 1948. The fact that many of the Palestinian heirs are US citizens is a violation of American law that stipulates sanctions against any country that confiscates American property and bans the building of any official premises on such land.

Given the fact that most of West Jerusalem is Palestinian-owned territory, Clinton would be hard-put to find Israeli- or American-owned land for his future embassy.

Thus if he finds the urge to move the embassy irresistible, may we offer the modest proposal of moving it to Washington DC, thereby responding simultaneously to several US-Israeli needs and for many compelling reasons, including:

The availability of non-confiscated American land,
The close proximity of the White House and Capitol Hill, thereby facilitating coordination and decision-making,
Accessibility to AIPAC, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and other pro-Israeli think-tanks, sources of funding, and pool of talent for the State Department (of the Ross and Indyk types),
The immediate transfer of funds (US aid to an even more affluent per capita recipient) thus allowing Israel to benefit from a better interest period,
The ease of facilitating Palestinian (and Arab) travel to Washington for more closely supervised contacts.
On the issue of the Palestinian declaration of statehood, Clinton seems to have forgotten the right to self determination as guaranteed by the UN Charter, as well as the American precedent of not asking British permission for independence. Besides, the Palestinian state was declared in 1988; its exercise of sovereignty is the next inevitable step.

On equating the tragedy of Palestinian refugees with Jewish immigrants to Israel, Clinton seems to have forgotten that the Palestinians were forcibly expelled and dispossessed and that the creation of the state of Israel on their own lands is what created this immense human tragedy.

It was the Zionist movement that invited Jewish communities to immigrate to Palestine as the "home of the Jews." At the same time, any "claims" by Jewish-Israeli immigrants from the Arab world should have been discussed with the relevant Arab countries, not with the Palestinian victims.

Should these immigrants wish to return to their countries of origin, we are confident that all Arab countries would be willing to oblige.

As for enhancing Israel's military superiority and providing even greater American security guarantees for Israel, Clinton is guilty of "overkill." Any more militarization would transform Israel into one huge arsenal with few resources remaining for peaceful pursuits.

The US-Israeli strategic alliance could hardly become any closer or more strategic without a marriage merger.

Clearly, the next three months are crucial.

The US will have to exercise the persuasive powers of Edward Walker and Madeleine Albright to the hilt in order to deliver the Arab countries, Europe, and even the Vatican.

The November elections in the US are Clinton's deadline for his "historical legacy."

The November date for the Israeli Knesset's return from its summer recess is Barak's deadline.

The November 15 date of Palestinian independence is the maximum delay in statehood.

All matters are coming to a head.

All pressure is on the Palestinians.

Clinton is seeking to reward and to save Barak, while punishing Arafat for not succumbing to the Camp David pressure.

Beyond November, many considerations become irrelevant, and reality will take over.

Beyond Bill Clinton's legacy, Hillary Clinton's senatorial race and Al Gore's presidential aspirations (and, by the way, Barak's political survivability) the American vision of peace will turn myopic.

Our children, our lives, our rights, our lands, however, are not about to disappear.

By the Same Author
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