Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

--The EU declaration of March 26, 1999 is a bold affirmation not only of Palestinian rights but also of Europe’s commitment to legality, justice, and even-handedness in pursuing a genuine and lasting peace in the region.

--Having reaffirmed “the continuing and unqualified Palestinian right to self-determination including the option of a state,” the EU countries “look forward to the early fulfillment of this right; and appeal to the parties to strive in good faith for a negotiated solution on the basis of this right, which is not subject to any veto.”

--Miftah views this position as a significant and substantive contribution to peace and further proof of Europe’s credentials as a serious and effective peace broker.

--By adopting such a principled position, Europe is effectively attempting to rescue the peace process, which had been held hostage to Netanyahu’s politics of fear and extremism.

--Europe’s refusal to be intimidated by dire threats emanating from the fundamentalist right in Israel is further proof of its integrity and active political will.

--It has succeeded in dispelling the smokescreen created by Netanyahu’s election rhetoric seeking to distort realities and to portray Palestinian statehood as a source of fear and instability. The elimination of such an artificial Israeli “taboo” on Palestinian statehood can only advance the cause of peace.

--Although Europe’s support of the Palestinian right to self-determination is not new (dating back to the Venice Declaration of 1980 and reiterated in all subsequent relevant statements), it is significant that this statement clearly describes it as not being “subject to any veto.”

--Such a clear articulation should remove any misguided notions that Palestinian rights are subject to Israeli approval, restrictions, or definitions.

--Our partners in the Israeli peace camp can learn a valuable lesson from the European example which should spur them to speak out and to clearly articulate their agenda for peace on the basis of the two-state solution and the principles of mutuality, reciprocity, and parity. The EU statement should serve as an instrument of rectification, to deprive the anti-peace forces of their “scare tactics,” and to inject the necessary lucidity and moral integrity into the public debate. The peace platform needs to recapture the initiative and vibrancy of its vision.

--The US also can glean a valuable lesson from the European precedent. It can regain control over its foreign policy by liberating it from the agenda and discourse of the hard-line Israeli right. The agenda of the US Congress as well can be rescued from the Israeli special-interest groups to be formulated on the basis of American national interests.

--Rather than taking sides and undermining the American role in the peace process and US credibility in the region, Congress is invited to adopt an impartial and forthright position recognizing the rights of all peoples in the region. The unilateral negation of Palestinian rights can only play into the hands of Israeli extremists while subverting the forces for peace on both sides.

--Clearly Netanyahu’s hysterical response to the European declaration indicates a loss of political bearings and control. Ready-made labels and stereotypical invective are not only obsolete in contemporary global discourse, they are also counterproductive and semantically bankrupt. Worse yet, they betray an alarming abandonment of the moral imperative, which is vital in shaping the new realities of peace.

--The Palestinian people recognize and appreciate the European position, and look forward to a continued and closer partnership and to the realization of a joint vision of peace on the basis of our shared values and aspirations. The establishment of a "democratic, viable and peaceful sovereign Palestinian State" lies at the heart of this vision.

By the Same Author
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