Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The issue of “declaring” a Palestinian state has undergone a manipulative verbal transformation with the aim of disfiguring its inherent value and meaning and in the service of a short sighted scoring of political points.

Rather than being presented and perceived as a positive interjection into a potentially volatile reality, it is being presented as a “threat.”

Rather than being valued as a constructive pursuit away from violence and as an embodiment of democratic values, it is being faced with the threat of annexation, invasion, and military intervention.

Rather than recognizing it as the enactment of the right to self-determination and hence of international legality and will, it is being described as a “unilateral” declaration in violation of interim agreements.

Rather than valuing its contribution to a just peace as an essential component of regional stability and prosperity, it is being distorted as an “alternative” to a final status agreement.

Rather than celebrating it for bringing about a historical vindication and recognition of the Palestinian identity and rights as a redress of a long-standing injustice, it is being denounced as an expression of intransigent defiance.

Rather than appreciating the flexibility and patience of the Palestinians in repeatedly delaying statehood at the advice of “friends and well-wishers,” it is being viewed as hasty and ill timed.

Rather than embracing it as a fulfillment of a promise, it is being sold-out for the sake of appeasement.

Rather than supporting it as an enactment of the human will to secure freedom and recognition, it is being threatened with boycott and international punitive measures.

In other words, if it is not a constituent of the Israeli-American paradigm of “Middle Eastern Realities” and an outcome of a preconceived definition of a power-based solution, then its very legitimacy is in question.

If its borders, degree of sovereignty, and territorial integrity are defined and controlled by Israel then the “state” of Palestine becomes “legitimate.”

If, however, its legitimacy is derived from international law and the will of its own people in a free exercise of democratic choice, then it becomes an affront.

Beyond political virtuosity and vacuous declarations, statehood must be embodied and enacted as a sine-qua-non for a just peace and a stable and prosperous region.

Since the Palestinian state was “declared” in the PNC meeting of November 15, 1988, there is no real need to keep “declaring” it as though it were a litany or a refrain. It should become a reality before time runs out.

As things stand now, a viable Palestinian state is still possible, if the boundaries of June 4, 1967 are respected.

The opportunity, however, is not open-ended.

To all those who have adopted the stance of panic politics vis-à-vis Palestinian statehood, we would give one word of caution:

Beware of the time in which a Palestinian state is no longer a viable option. Then you would lose the very foundations of peace while losing sight of any chance for “putting an end to the conflict” whether with the Palestinians or with the Arabs as a whole.

One would require infinite patience and fortitude while the alternative bi-national state or the democratic non-sectarian state in all of historical Palestine emerges gradually as a result of demographic realities and Israeli extraterritoriality in Palestine.

The two-state solution is still possible—though barely.

If the opportunity is not grasped immediately, history (and conflict) will take over.

In whatever form, whether in the next few weeks or the next few decades, the Palestinian state has become an inevitability.

Neither the hysterical hype nor the obsessive incantation of both opponents and proponents can change the fact.

A more efficient and productive employment of time and energy should go towards ensuring its democratic character and its sustainability. The constitution, elections, and its professional and accountable institutions should be our focal engagement.

It is time to economise on the verbiage and to invest in serious hard work.

Such is the real imperative for the nascent Palestinian state.

By the Same Author
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