Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Visits by American congressional delegations to Israel are intensive and visibly intrusive.

Most are at the invitation and expense of Israeli and pro-Israeli organizations both in the US and in Israel.

Most also totally ignore Palestinian realities, although some make a point of a token meeting with a token Palestinian.

This is entirely unacceptable, particularly in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, which recognizes that there are two sides to the conflict, hence two parties in its resolution.

The sponsorship role played by the US in this process, in addition to its global responsibility as the major contemporary power, as well as American interests in the region all require the removal of congressional blinders on Palestinian realities.

The results of such one-sided visits have been extremely prejudicial in a variety of ways.

Of most concern to Palestinians are the resolutions and bills adopted in blind support of Israel with no regard to international law or Palestinian rights.

Foremost among these are the resolutions demanding the transfer of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is in violation of UN Resolution 181. In addition, the concurrent resolution rejecting Palestinian statehood and calling on the American administration to do the same betrays a discriminatory attitude concerning the Palestinian right to self determination as well as UN R181 which is the basis of Israel’s legality.

In their persistent drive to gain Israel recognition, legality, and regional advantages, members of both houses habitually ignore the other components of that resolution which defined the status of Jerusalem and partitioned the historical land of Palestine into two states.

In accepting the two-state solution, the people of Palestine had made a historical compromise of significant (and painful) dimensions.

Should Congress wish to adopt a one-state solution (Israel), then they are inviting the Palestinian people to adopt the one Palestinian State solution.

This would not only be a historical regression, but a total negation of the peace process and any chances of future reconciliation in the region.

Had Congress thought through the implications of such positions, we are confident that they would not be so hasty in adopting them and thus in condemning all peoples of the region to the conflict of the absolutist and obsolete zero-sum game.

The lives, fate, and future of all peoples involved must not be taken so lightly as to be subjected to the shortsighted and narrow gains of campaign votes and funding.

Such tilted visits to the region also give rise to the stilted rhetoric of overzealous “eyewitnesses” who witness only what the current Israeli government chooses to present and hear only what it selects to convey. The “informed” statements of Sen. Connie Mack are a case in mind; had he bothered to “witness” the Palestinian reality, it is hoped that his testimony would have displayed more informed balance and less misguided zeal.

Currently, a congressional delegation headed by the House International Relations Committee Chairman Ben Gilman and composed of Reps. Bob Filner, John Hilliard, and Bernard Sanders is on a visit to Israel.

Other than visiting the Industrial Estate in Gaza (joint project), the delegation held no meetings or visits with Palestinians.

Recently, several attempts have been made to redress this imbalance, particularly by the Palestinian Legislative Council.

A PLC delegation visited Congress following the previous Speaker’s meetings with Palestinian President Arafat and PLC Speaker Ahmad Qurei’ (Abu Ala’).

In his letter to Speaker Hastert, once again PLC Speaker Qurei’ reiterated Palestinian willingness to engage in a substantive and forthright dialogue in the interest of both parties.

This, and other such moves, should form the basis of sustained and serious efforts at dispelling misconceptions and prejudicial or uninformed resolutions on both sides.

Once again, MIFTAH calls on both Houses of Congress to take up the Palestinian invitation and to recognize in their Palestinian counterparts the key to a credible partnership based on mutual respect and cooperation.

By the Same Author
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