Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Several seemingly-unrelated events and pronouncements have taken place recently that, taken together, seem to paint a grim picture for Palestinian rights and for the future of peace in the region.

Immediately following the preliminary results of the elections on May 17, the Israeli Prime Minister Elect, Ehud Barak, reiterated his notorious and provocative statement on the four “boundary lines,” particularly on the issues of Jerusalem, settlements, boundaries, and Palestinian refugees. This did not bode well for the future of peace.

When Barak finally announced his ten-point program, it was clear that he had decided to preempt final status issues unilaterally, singling out Jerusalem and boundaries.

On May 18, the bulldozers of US citizen Irving Moskowitz started work on the Ras al-Amud plot in Jerusalem in preparation for building a new settlement in the heart of the Palestinian city. Tensions escalated.

The statement of American Vice President Al Gore before an American-Jewish audience on May 23 provoked swift Palestinian response. It seems that Mr. Gore is unilaterally deciding on the basis of legitimacy concerning permanent status negotiations. He has decreed that UN Resolution 181 is not applicable to these talks.

On May 24, Israel Wire came out with a news item titled “Intel Supports Communities in Southern Hebron Hills.” The question is whether Intel is encouraging its employees, graduates of the Mahon Lev technical school, to live in a new Hebron settlement or in an extension of the existing Otniel settlement. The inducements and facilities offered these Intel employees, the company explained, are part of the company “policy” of requesting employees to live within 15 kilometers of their place of employment.

It just so happens that their “place of employment” is in an illegal Israeli settlement on occupied Palestinian land. Whether the Intel employee settlement is merely an “extension” of an illegal settlement or another settlement with it own specific illegality is irrelevant. By choosing both places of employment and residence, Intel is siding with the extremists and settlers in Israel, thus violating international law and contributing to the conflict while undermining the peace process.

Of equal, and yet more dangerous and overt, provocation and illegality is the so-called “Jerusalem Embassy 3000 Initiative” by the “Root & Branch Association, ltd.” and sponsored by some controversial European figures. The declared aim of this “initiative” is to call “upon the nations of the world to recognize united Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of the State of Israel, which is the spiritual homeland of the Jewish People, and to move their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem.”

Whether spiritual or temporal, celestial or terrestrial, ideological or political, electoral or corporate, low rhetoric or high tech, what all these have in common is the arrogance (or, at best, ignorance) to meddle negatively in other people’s affairs and rights.

In this case, the infringement is at the expense of the Palestinian people and of the already shaky peace process. While not of equal vulnerability, Palestinian rights and the prospects for peace have already suffered enough at the hands of extremism and belligerence.

What they also have in common is their blatant flouting of international law and the legal as well as civil foundations governing relations among nations.

While we welcome all efforts at engagement and positive intervention in support of a just peace, and as we perceive the peace process to be an inclusive collective endeavor, we certainly can do without the unilateral “contributions” that unjustly seek to seal the fate of permanent status issues.

Permanent status issues must be declared “off limits” equally to the rhetoric of elections and to the actions of the zealots.

The jargon of agreements and public political discourse has adopted relatively benign expressions (or euphemisms) describing serious violations as “unilateral actions” and substantive Palestinian rights pertaining to sovereignty as “permanent status issues.”

Reality, however, cannot afford to underestimate the import of both these rights and their violations. Any “prejudicial” measures, in word and in deed, are capable of creating a counter-reality of hostility and violence.

Freedom, dignity, security, hope, reconciliation, and prosperity are abstract terms applied to real human beings on an identifiable land. Without its applicable human and territorial dimension, the term “peace” can claim no legitimate meaning or substance.

By the Same Author
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