Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, signaled on Monday a possible change of policy concerning the ongoing stalemate in Palestinian-Israeli relations, affirming that the establishment of a “moderate” Palestinian Cabinet would result in the release of Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli jails, unblock vital PA funds held by Israel since January 2006, and ultimately lead to the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

Olmert’s remarks, made on the second day of a fragile Palestinian-Israeli truce declared on Sunday, have been met by both cautious optimism and dismissive skepticism by various Palestinian political circles. PLO Negotiations Affairs Department chief, Dr. Sa’eb Erekat (Fateh), said “…Olmert knows he has a partner, and that is President Abbas. He knows that to achieve peace and security for all, we need to shoot for the end game.”

Meanwhile, Palestinian Government spokesman, Ghazi Hamad (Hamas), reiterated a familiar pattern of distrust of Israel’s loudspeaker diplomacy, hinting that the offer is a conspiracy aimed at distracting international public opinion from Israel’s ongoing violence against the Palestinians. “This is a new maneuver. Olmert is speaking about the Palestinian state without giving details about the borders," said Hamad.

International reactions have been somewhat hopeful that the recent political and field developments may well pave the way for the resumption of political dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians. The US has already hinted at a possible visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the region, in an attempt to bolster the shaky truce and give new momentum to any potential peace efforts.

Olmert’s statements have been received by several media outlets as “conciliatory;” in a well calculated attempt at bringing calm after months of increased violence, Olmert said "…I hold out my hand in peace to our Palestinian neighbors in the hope that it won't be returned empty…We cannot change the past and we will not be able to bring back the victims on both sides of the borders," he said. "All that we can do today is stop additional tragedies."

However, beyond the rhetorical aspects of Olmert’s declarations, a closer look at the content of his speech is raising concern on the Palestinian side that Israel is neglecting some of the most vital prerequisites of a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In exchange for Olmert’s offer to fulfill Israel’s legal obligations, such as the evacuation of illegal settlements in the West Bank and the easing of restrictions on Palestinian movement, the Palestinians, he stated, will be expected to give up some of their key demands, including their claim for the return of the Palestinians refugees, who were displaced and uprooted from their homes in what is now Israel.

In addition, the territorial parameters of the Palestinian state that Olmert raised during his speech have not been clearly defined; the legal basis for Palestinian statehood is UN Resolution 242 (and 338), which stipulates that Israel must withdraw from all the territories it captured during the 4 June 1967 war.

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