Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On Wednesday, foreign ministers from Egypt and Jordan traveled as representatives of the Arab League to Jerusalem to pledge ‘normal’ relations toward Israel in return for withdrawal from lands taken in 1967. It is the first time that the Arab League has held a meeting in Israel and although the Jewish state refused the same compromise in 2002, Olmert is now seriously considering their appeal.

The meeting comes in tandem with an article published by the Israeli daily, Ha’aretz describing the willingness of Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, to work towards an ‘Agreement of Principle’ for a two state solution with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The article also included what the potential Israeli proposals for a ‘final status’ may entail.

The discovery and publication of these plans coincide with the latter stages of the new Middle East envoy, Tony Blair’s visit to Jerusalem and Ramallah where he held meetings with the presidents and premiers of both Israel and Palestine. Tony Blair, on his first visit to the region since assuming his new position, intended ‘to listen, learn and reflect’ before he returns in September with his preliminary report for the Quartet (EU, UN, US and Russia).

The former British premier said he saw real ‘possibilities’ from what he has heard from the various parties and the existence of these plans for an ‘Agreement of Principles’ seem to confirm his viewpoint.

According to Ha’aretz, Olmert delayed discussions on a ‘final status’ as he deduced that such a major topic would be met with constant disagreements, thus postponing any real progress. Olmert also believed that motions toward ‘final status’ such as Condoleezza Rice’s ‘shelf agreement’ were unrealistic as they set targets that the Palestinians would not have been able to keep to. With an ‘Agreement of Principles’, Olmert expects that the easier issues will be resolved which will then gradually lead to talks on more pressing matters. However, Abbas, Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad and even deposed Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh have repeatedly declared that there will be no advancement in reaching a solution unless the parties are striving toward a viable ‘final status’ grand plan constructed from the beginning.

Olmert has indicated that a two state solution is greatly supported in the Knesset and that the ‘Agreement of Principles’ would benefit from having the support of 82 MK’s. If the plan is accepted by the Palestinians, then Olmert would initiate talks concerning Palestinian institutions, economy and custom arrangements with Israel. Once this has been established, Olmert would then be open to discussions on more debated issues such as final border arrangements, the fate of Jerusalem and a solution regarding Palestinian refugees.

Ha’aretz has listed possible measures Israel is prepared to implement for the establishment of a two state solution. These include withdrawing from 90% of the West Bank and Gaza; exchanging territory to compensate for large settlement blocs which will remain under Israeli control in the West Bank; constructing a tunnel between the West Bank and Gaza which will prevent friction between Israelis and Palestinians and preserve security; in return, Israel would demand territorial compensation for a tunnel which is on its territory; East Jerusalem will be the capital of Palestine but the Old City and the Mount of Olives will still fall under the jurisdiction of Israel.

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