Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Before meeting with Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad and Israeli President, Shimon Peres in Jerusalem on Thursday, U.N. Special Coordinator in the Middle East, Michael Williams expressed his concern that more should be done for the Palestinians.

The meeting in Jerusalem aimed to lay some common foundations and prepare for the Quartet meeting in September. Although, by September, Mr. Williams will have left his position in the U.N., his new position as British Prime Minister Brown’s Middle East envoy holds almost identical interests.

Mr. Williams stated that there had been ‘positive signs’ with reference to the release of 250 Palestinian prisoners and the release of PA tax funds but emphasized the need to ease traveling restrictions on the Palestinians, release more of the 10,000 prisoners held in Israeli jails and initiate movements to solve the problem of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Further Mr. Williams declared that the situation in Gaza, with its closed crossings, was seriously damaging the economic situation amongst Palestinians, his main message being that the ‘elementary constituent of economic development is freedom of movement’.

In conjunction with Mr. Williams words, the Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, published an article which attempted to specify more coherently what an ‘Agreement on principles’ may involve and thus offering an insight into the possible topics for discussion at the forthcoming Peace Conference in November. According to the piece, Palestinians would enjoy a safe passage going from the West Bank to Gaza (however this would only be implemented when/if the PA resumes control of Gaza). The piece also alludes to the idea of a land exchange between Israel and Palestine which would also be included in the framework agreement although intricacies such as the exact land compensated for Israeli settlement blocs are to be omitted for now.

Regarding the quartet of issues integral to ‘final status’ for Palestinians; borders including the separation barrier and settlements; Jerusalem and the possibility of reverting back to the Clinton plan; refugees and Israel’s role in their rehabilitation; and the imposition of the Evacuation – Compensation law with reference to settlements. All these topics are under deliberation so that along with the ‘Agreement on principles’, the Peace Conference can be as effective as possible, a goal that is welcomed greatly by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who warns that if the Peace Conference does not resolve some major differences, it may give Hamas the impetus to flex its authority and vie for more control and influence in the occupied territories.

There were hesitations, voiced by Salam Fayyad, which focused on his uncertainty over his government’s capacity and competence to undertake such responsibility with the resources available. However, Mr. Fayyad now plans to construct a 3 year development plan which will link all the financial needs and expenditure in all sectors by surveying all PNA institutions (including ones in Gaza). Once established, this work may prove invaluable in boosting the efficiency of Palestinian operations.

Meanwhile, in Damascus, Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal, in an interview with McClatchy Newspapers solemnly asserted that Hamas would not concede to any concessions made by Israel, would not recognize Israel, agree to early elections and would not apologize to President Abbas for their actions in Gaza (a precondition stressed by Abbas in order to reconvene dialogue). In a rare audience with the Hamas leader, Mashaal promised that despite recent activities ‘the Palestinian people will never stop the Intifada’.

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