Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

“We are not convinced that it is necessary for security–military reasons to retain the current route that passes on Bili’in lands”.

With these words declared by Chief Justice Dorit Beinish, the two and a half year long legal battle, headed by Michael Sfard on behalf of the Bili’in local council to the Israeli High Court Justice finally reaped positive results.

The three judge panel unanimously deemed that the separation barrier, which was built around part of the Matityahu East neighbourhood of the Israeli Modi’in Illit settlement, dissecting through Bili’in, was “highly prejudicial”, separating the Palestinian villagers from 200 hectares of their own land.

The 1,700 population of Bili’in rely heavily on tending to their orchards and olive groves for their livelihood. The barrier prevented them from accessing 60% of their farm lands. For this reason, Bili’in, since January 2005, has become the focal point area for barrier resistance in the West Bank.

According to Israeli governmental officials, the structure, started in 2002, aims to protect the half a million Israeli settlers in the West Bank and acts to thwart Palestinian suicide missions against Israel. This 680km long separation barrier which cuts into 8.5% of the West Bank is perceived by the Palestinians as an Israeli method for “land grab”. In the Bili’in case, the court reported that the route of the barrier was not erected to increase security reasons but instead was shown more conducive to settlement expansion plans.

Every Friday, this small village 12km west of Ramallah, attracted a joint initiative between Israeli, Palestinian and foreign participants as well as including organizations such as Anarchists Against the Wall and the International Solidarity Movement. During these rallies, protesters would occasionally be met with tear gas and rubber bullets shot by Israeli troops in an attempt to deter them from continuing to express their opposition to the barrier. Although the protests are organized by non-violent organizations and carried out peacefully, dozens were still wounded in these confrontations.

The people of Bili’in are jubilant with the result, chanting and dancing around Bili’in, as are protest organizers such as Abdullah Abu Rahma who stressed the success of the ongoing protest, stating that peaceful struggle is indeed an effective policy in that they had lost not one “martyr”. Abu Rahma also called for the decisions of the High Court to be implemented immediately.

The Israeli Defense Ministry has announced that they would “study the ruling and respect it” but lawyer Michael Sfard claims there is still work to be done. Under the High Court’s ruling, the barrier is to be redrawn, only partially dismantled, but the 1.7km section will still be rebuilt, just not on land belonging to Bili’in.

When all is taken into consideration, Bili’in will also only recover half of the 200 hectares that the barrier obstructed from them.

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