Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The alarming violence instigated by Israeli settlers throughout the West Bank has been on everybody’s minds this week. In November, Israel’s High Court of Justice ordered settlers to leave the Palestinian-owned Ar-Rajabi house in Hebron, also known now as the ‘house of contention’, which has been occupied since 2007. After the decision was given, settler groups descended upon Hebron in anger, ready to retaliate. On December 1, five Palestinians were injured after being attacked by settlers in northeast Hebron. That same day, the settlers set dogs upon Palestinian residents, injuring a further four near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. The next day, several more Palestinians were beaten with clubs when settlers attacked Palestinian houses in the evening. An Israeli captain who tried to intervene in the attack was also badly injured. Three children were taken to a local hospital as a result.

On December 2, settlers rampaged through five Palestinian villages in the West Bank - including Yatma, Qabalan and As-Sawiya - where they slashed tires, vandalized mosques, attacked farms, and harassed residents. On December 3, in a last-minute meeting, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak held talks with the settlers occupying the Ar-Rajabi house in hopes of ending two weeks of violence in the city. The talks did not prevent settlers from going on the rampage again that day, as they set fire to a Palestinian house in Hebron. Palestinians were also attacked in the Ar-Ras, Wadi Al-Hussain and Al-Ja’bari neighborhoods, leaving dozens injured. Witnesses reported that the settler mob numbered in the hundreds.

Barak’s meeting with the settlers was unsuccessful, and on December 4, Israeli forces forcibly removed 250 right-wing settlers from the Ar-Rajabi house. Violence ensued, as the evacuation prompted more settler attacks across the West Bank. Settlers painted racist slogans about Islam and the Muslim Prophet Mohammed on buildings in the West Bank villages of Azzun, An-Nabi Elyas, Kafr Laqif, Jinsafut, Immatin and Al-Funduq. In Hebron, witnesses said that Palestinian families were besieged in their homes which were then set on fire by Israeli settlers, while the Israeli army prevented Palestinian medics from reaching the homes. Ten Palestinians were injured during the fires.

On December 4, Israeli human rights group B’tselem released footage taken of an Israeli settler shooting two Palestinians at close range. The footage showed a middle-aged Israeli from one of the illegal settlements inside the Palestinian city of Hebron firing at 40 year old Husni Matariyah. The bullet hit the left side of Matariah’s chest. The settler then shot Matariah’s 65 year old father Abed Al-Hai in the hand. The settler implicated in the video has not been arrested.

On December 5, six protesters were injured in the Palestinian villages of Bil’in and Al-Ma’sara during demonstrations against aggressive Israeli policies and settler violence. During that day, settlers destroyed eighty young olive trees planted by a Palestinian farmer near Tulkarem. A major water pipe was also damaged by the settlers, preventing municipal water from reaching villages nearby. The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on December 5 regarding settler violence, and later issued a statement in which they said, “The Security Council members condemn violence against Palestinian civilians and appeal to both sides to restore security and rule of law without discrimination or exceptions.” Despite the UN’s condemnation, this and the Jewish Sabbath did not stop a mob of Israeli settlers from setting fire to a Palestinian home in the old city of Hebron on December 6.

As settler violence grew worse, the Israeli imposed blockade against Gaza continued, and, as of December 6, entered its 31st day. On December 4, Israel allowed a shipment of 50,000 liters of industrial diesel in, as well as 40 truckloads of food and medical supplies. However, it was still not enough to reverse the humanitarian crisis still ongoing in the Strip. Shipments of cooking gas for Gaza were blocked, meaning that most Gazans will not be able to cook traditional meals for the upcoming Muslim holiday, Eid Al-Adha.

In an UNRWA conference held on December 3, the UNRWA Director of Operations said, “The world should be embarrassed,” when it sees the deteriorating humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. On December 1, a Libyan aid ship destined for Gaza was turned away by Israel’s navy and docked instead in an Egyptian port. The boat carried 3,000 tons of aid, which organizers hope can be transferred to Gaza via the Rafah crossing instead. On December 2, it was announced that a series of ships sailing from Qatar, Israel, Yemen, Cyprus and Jordan would attempt to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip over the next two months.

Hamas met with political factions in Gaza on December 2 and throughout the week to discuss renewing the ‘truce’ with Israel, which is due to expire on December 19. On December 5, one faction, Islamic Jihad, declared that they would not be renewing the truce in light of the continuing blockade and settler violence in the West Bank.

Exchanges of rocket attacks and shelling continued during the week between Israel and Palestinian fighters. On December 2, the An-Nasser Brigades shelled an Israeli military post near the north of the Gaza Strip, but no injuries were reported. However, an Israeli helicopter strike that same day left two Palestinian teenagers dead, along with four more injured. One of the injured remains in hospital in critical condition. Another mortar shell was fired from Gaza on December 4, though the shell landed in an empty field. On December 5, several Palestinian armed groups claimed responsibility for launching about 6 projectiles in response to "continuous Israeli aggression against Palestinians," particularly in Hebron. On the evening, about 7 more projectiles were fired.

Israeli troops have continued with raids and arrests this week, despite the settler violence. On December 3, Israeli forces seized 14 Palestinian during overnight raids across the West Bank. The day before, Israeli troops killed a Palestinian man in Nablus during clashes. The man had previously been pardoned by Israel as a part of an amnesty agreement with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Demolitions and land grabbing also continued as usual. On December 3, Israel demolished dozens of houses, including an entire Bedouin village which has been destroyed more than 20 times. Sources at the Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages (RCUV) said the Bedouin village of Twail Abu Jawal, home to about 100 people living in 10 houses, was razed by Israeli construction vehicles. An additional 21 structures were demolished in another ‘unrecognized’ village, Al-Makimen. The villages are just 2 of 45 unrecognized Bedouin villages in Israel, home to a total of 84,000 people. The Israeli government refuses to provide service,s including water, electricity, health care, and schools.

On December 2, an Israeli court also approved another re-routing of the Israeli separation wall. According to the new plans, the wall will now isolate the neighborhoods of Shu’fat, the Salam neighborhood, Anata and Ras Khamis from the rest of east Jerusalem. This re-routing will deprive more than 20,000 Jerusalem citizens of their rights and could eventually lead to the withdrawal of their Israeli ID cards as part of Israel’s policy to limit the number of Palestinians in Jerusalem. The ruling was labeled an “arbitrary political decision” by Daniel Zeidman, the Israeli lawyer representing Palestinian residents and local councils in the areas to be affected.

Finally, banks in Gaza announced this week that they did not have the money to pay PA employees their salaries, as Israel has imposed a ban on cash transfers to Gaza banks. Despite the ban, the EU announced on December 3 that it would donate 42 million Euros to the PA to help pay salaries. The lack of pay will have a terrible impact on spirits when the normally very festive Eid Al-Adha begins next week.

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