Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting began on August 22 with US President Barak Obama addressing Muslims on the occasion from the White House on day earlier. As part of his Ramadan message, Obama said his country was, "unyielding in its support for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians."

In his videotaped message, Obama said the US was committed to "keeping our responsibility to build a world that is more peaceful and secure." In this context, the President said he would support a two-state solution where both peoples live in peace and security.

Both Obama and the rest of the world understand that this goal cannot be achieved while Israeli settlements continue to expand. The US has so far continued its pressure on Israel to freeze settlement construction, while the latter continues to resist.

Still, on August 17, media reports claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Housing Minister Ariel Atias agreed to temporarily freeze settlement construction by declaring a moratorium on new building in the settlements. According to the reports, the freeze would remain in effect until the beginning of 2010.

However, on August 19, the media reported that tenders had been issued for the construction of 450 housing units in the Pisgat Zeev settlement in Jerusalem, with Israeli deputy foreign minister Daniel Ayalon denying that any official decision was taken to freeze settlements.

According to Peace Now, even a decision to freeze settlements for this short period of time is meaningless. On August 18, the Israeli peace movement issued a report saying that currently there are over 1000 housing units under construction in West Bank and east Jerusalem settlements, which are not part of the freeze.

Furthermore, the government, which claims jurisdiction over any decision to freeze or halt settlement expansion, sponsors only about 40% of settlement construction in Palestinian territories. Most settlement construction is through private initiatives from settler groups, and NGOs. This means, the report continued, that even if there were a complete freeze of construction bids on behalf of the government, at least 60% of settlement construction would continue.

Germany expressed similar sentiments to that of President Obama through its foreign ministry spokesperson. On August 21, Germany's government said "urgent action" is needed on the settlements for any peace efforts to move forward.

"We and our partners the Americans have made very clear that we see the settlements issue as one of the biggest impediments to a two-state solution," foreign ministry spokesman Andreas Peschke said.

Earlier this month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also said that settlements should stop in the occupied West Bank.

Israel has been under fire this week, not only because of the international pressure on it to halt settlement construction but also because of an article published in a Swedish newspaper that claims the Israeli army has harvested organs from Palestinians it killed. According to the article, the army has been taking organs from Palestinian youths as far back as 1992.

Israel, of course, was screaming anti-Semitism and blood libel almost immediately after the story broke, accusing the Swedish government of not intervening in the case. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman demanded that Sweden's foreign minister Carl Bildt print a state rebuttal to the piece.

Bildt refused, saying on August 21 that would be an impingement on Sweden's freedom of expression. "Freedom of expression and press freedom are very strong in our constitution by tradition. And that strong protection has served our democracy and our country well," Bildt wrote in a statement.

At present, Israeli officials are looking into how to respond to the "crisis" including refusing to deal with Swedish journalists in Israel, or focusing on this issue during Bildt's upcoming visit to Israel.

Israel was also criticized this week by the US over its recent introduction of PA-only visa stamps for foreign nationals crossing into Israel via the Allenby Bridge. On August 19, the US State Department issued a statement calling the new regulations "unacceptable."

"The United States expects that all American citizens be treated equally, regardless of their national origin or other citizenship," the statement read. "We have let the government of Israel know that these restrictions unfairly impact Palestinian and Arab-American travelers, and are not acceptable."

Nevertheless, in its travel advisory, the US State Department clearly stated that it could do nothing to change this visa status once Israel issued it. The new visas are being issued to foreign nationals with either a Palestinian background. At the Ben Gurion Airport, Israeli officials have also begun demanding that foreigners sign a pledge not to enter the Palestinian territories.

Another controversial report that surfaced in the Israeli press this week was on August 19 in the Israeli daily Haaretz. According to the article, the Shin Bet's VIP security unit provides security to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad when they are in Area C during their trips in the West Bank.

On August 20, the Palestinians vehemently denied the report. According to Palestinian security services spokesman Adnan Dmeiri, Israel does not provide any protection to the president or prime minister. “This news is not true,” Ad-Dameri said in phone interview with Palestinian news agency, Maan. “The Israeli media says so to misrepresent and to harm the status of the Palestinian Authority.” He stressed that Israel has “nothing to do with the security of the Palestinian President.”

On the internal Palestinian front, the Gaza Strip was relatively quiet after last week's bloodshed between the ruling Hamas party and the Islamist group Jund Ansar Allah, who claimed an Islamic Emirate in Rafah. The fighting resulted in the deaths of 28 from both sides along with several civilians. On August 18, Jund Ansar Allah called on its members to "retaliate with force" to any arrest attempts by Hamas security forces. Just one day after the end to the hostilities, around 100 of the group's members had already been arrested by Hamas.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian security delegation met with Hamas and Fateh representatives on August 18 to bridge the gaps between the two sides in front of a scheduled conciliation meeting later this month. However, nothing came of the meeting with Hamas saying that no national elections would take place without first reaching unity.

During a cabinet meeting on August 17 President Abbas reiterated his government's commitment to national unity and to reaching a peaceful solution through negotiations. The President also praised current Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and said he would remain in his post.

Finally, on August 16, Israeli authorities handed demolition orders to 17 families in Salem near Nablus under the pretext that the homes were being built in Area C. Residents there said they were forced to build because Israeli authorities would not give them permission to expand because of the expanding settlements and bypass roads. This has pushed the number of homes that recently received demolition orders in the Nablus area to 40.

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