Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinians everywhere marked the fifth anniversary of President Yasser Arafat’s death on November 11, 2004. Tens of thousands of loyal followers flocked to the presidential headquarters in Ramallah to participate in the memorial service, which included a speech from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. During his speech, Abbas reiterated his decision not to run in upcoming presidential elections and his frustration with the current impasse in diplomatic efforts to restart negotiations. “No negotiations until there is a halt to settlements,” the president said again before the crowds.

Three days later, Palestinians also marked “Independence Day” of November 15, 1988 when President Arafat declared a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, thus setting in motion the years’ long struggle to negotiate this settlement on the ground.

Twenty-one years later, the Palestinians have yet to celebrate their real independence. Chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat admitted this on November 11 in an interview with France Presse in which he admitted that negotiations had failed. “President Abbas has realized that we cannot reach a two state solution through negotiations. After 18 years, we are still dealing with the same issues: settlements, house demolitions, land confiscation,” he said.

Abbas’ recent decision not to run in elections and to perhaps resign his post altogether came largely because of the US’s inability to force Israel’s hand in halting settlement activities. According to Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns on November 13, the US has not changed its stance on the settlements. Speaking to the Middle East Institute, Burns said the Obama administration “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements."

While he said the administration continued to “consider the Israeli offer to restrain settlement activity to be a potentially important step, it obviously falls short of the continuing Roadmap obligation for a full settlement freeze," saying that the US still looks to the realization of a “Jewish state of Israel…and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occuption that began in 1967, that ends the daily humiliations of Palestinians under occupation, and that realizes the full and remarkable potential of the Palestinian people."

The Palestinian leadership seems to share in this opinion but without depending on the US to deliver it. Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said earlier this week that the leadership may resort to the UN to decide on the final borders of the Palestinian state, thus isolating Israel as the occupying power. Nabil Shaath, member of Fateh’s Central Committee said the plan, which Fayyad has reportedly gained secret approval for from European and American parties, would go to the Security Council for ratification.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also reportedly called on the US administration to veto any move by the Palestinians to declare their state in the corridors of the UN. Netanyahu met with President Obama on November 9, mostly in closed quarters during which they discussed the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the obvious impasse it has reached. While both sides described the meeting in positive terms, Israeli analysts have warned of the fact that a photo of the meeting was not released until four days later could be a sign of the Obama administration’s discontent with Netanyahu.

If this is so, it is not apparent in Obama’s moves on the ground. No real pressure has been put on Israel to halt its settlement enterprise from the US, which reports have said would not pressure the PA or Israel to resume negotiations if “they are not ready.”

Israel is certainly not ready for peace at least in terms of its actions on the ground. On November 13, Israeli troops shot and killed 22-year old Mustapha Wadi, wounded two others and captured three more in what Israel said was the men’s attempt to plant explosives on Gaza’s border with Israel. Palestinian eyewitnesses say the men were out hunting dogs when they were shot.

On November 13, Israeli army chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi threatened to reinvade Gaza if the rockets did not stop. While he said that Hamas had shown “restraint” in firing rockets, Israel would not hesitate to “defend itself.”

"We are prepared to contend with the whole arc of threats," Ashkenazi said. "We must not fool ourselves. If necessary, we will operate again in the Gaza Strip to stop the rocket fire."

Just days earlier on November 8, former chief of staff Shaul Mofaz said Israel would be willing to speak to Hamas if it accepted the Quartet conditions of accepting Israel and renouncing violence. He also posed a “solution” which included a Palestinian state on 60 percent of the West Bank with temporary borders and no Jerusalem. Presidential advisor Nabil Abu Rdeineh shot down the offer immediately saying Mofaz’ plan would “never see the light of day” because it means forsaking Jerusalem.

In Jerusalem, meanwhile, Israel continues to issue demolition orders to Palestinian homes. On November 10, Hatem Abdel Qader, who is head of the Jerusalem file said a demolition order had been issued to a Beit Hanina apartment building with 25 apartment and home to 170 people. A day before, 10 orders were issued to families in Essawiyeh, an east Jerusalem neighborhood and on November 8, 17 orders were issued against homes in Silwan.

In the West Bank, Palestinians commemorated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall by tearing down a slab of concrete of separation wall at the Qalandiya checkpoint on November 9. Activists were able to cross over to Israeli controlled territory and raise the Palestinian flag.

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