Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Palestinians have not yet given up the idea of resorting to the UN to declare their state even though there has been tremendous pressure on them not to.

Several Israeli officials have already warned that Israel would take unilateral measures of its own if the Palestinians attempt to gain legitimacy for their state within the corridors of the UN including annexation of settlements in the West Bank and withholding PA tax revenues.

The United States is also not keen on the idea, saying it preferred a negotiated solution. "It is our strong belief and conviction that the best means to achieve the common goal of a contiguous and viable Palestine is through negotiations between the parties," the U.S. State Department said in a statement on November 16.

Should the Palestinians still go through with their plan, it would meet its demise almost immediately said one Senator visiting Israel. "It would be D.O.A. - dead on arrival," Ted Kaufman said. "It's a waste of time."

The EU is also not behind the idea. "Recognizing the state is premature and we will discuss other ways to show our support to the Palestinians," read an EU statement on November 16.

Also on November 16, PLO Executive Committee member Ahmad Qurei' used unusually harsh words in reference to Israel's intransigence. "All options are open to the PA," he said in an interview with the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahranoth. "…the possibility of heading to the UN and also considering the dissolving of the PA," he explained. "Negotiations were given top priority and the result was more settlements and more confiscation of land and this has forced us to consider other options; diplomacy remains an option and heading to the UN remains also an option and popular struggle is also an option."

In Cairo, on November 17, President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinians' decision whether to take their cause to the Security Council or not was an "Arab issue" as well. His statements came after a meeting with Egypt's President Husni Mubarak. Abbas also reiterated his stance of rejecting the idea of a state with temporary borders.

Meantime, Abbas says he is sticking to his word about not running in any upcoming elections but did tell Egyptian television on November 18 that he would reconsider staying in his post if Israel and the US gave him a leg to stand on. However, even Abbas does not see this happening in the near future. "They have not granted me anything. Not a single prisoner has been released and not a single checkpoint has been removed let alone the major issues," he said.

A day later, Abbas announced that presidential and legislative elections scheduled for January would be postponed. Abbas also said the leadership would take measures to avoid a constitutional vacuum when the term of the current legislature and his term as president expired on January 25. He did not outline what sort of measures would be taken.

What it all boils down to are the ever-growing settlements on occupied Palestinian territory. On November 18, after repeated US calls on Israel to halt settlement construction, US President Barack Obama had some particularly harsh words for Israel. "I think that additional settlement building does not contribute to Israel's security," he said to Fox News during a trip to China. His statements came after Israel approved on November 17, the construction of 900 new housing units in the east Jerusalem settlement of Gilo. "I think it makes it harder for them to make peace with their neighbors. I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous." Washington demanded that Israel halt further construction, a demand Israel has refused to heed.

The EU also reminded the world of its official stance on east Jerusalem settlements in particular. "The Presidency recalls that settlement activities, house demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law," read a statement by the Swedish Presidency of the EU.

"Such activities also prejudge the outcome of final status negotiations and threaten the viability of a two-state solution."

French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner was not as principled. Also on November 18, Kouchner said during a press conference in Jaffa that Israel's decision to build hundreds of homes in east Jerusalem was not an obstacle to peace talks.

Regardless of who says what, Israel's settlements in east Jerusalem are continuing unabated. In response to the Gilo construction, Israeli Prime Minister Benajamin Netanyahu refused to even consider the request saying the "neighborhood" was an integral part of Jerusalem, "Israel's capital".

Construction is not only in Gilo, however. On November 18, Israeli authorities announced the addition of 105 housing units to the to Nof Tsion outpost in Jabal Mukabber. Israel is also working on the level of house demolitions in the eastern sector of the city to make way for more Jewish construction. According to an OCHA report released on November 16, 1,000 Palestinians in east Jerusalem are threatened with eviction.

On the ground, this is apparent in the number of homes being torn down. On November 18, Israeli bulldozers demolished a home and the Women's Society headquarters in the Old City of Silwan and Esawieh neighborhood in the city. A day earlier, two homes were demolished in Beit Hanina and Wadi Qaddum. According to Jerusalem Fateh representative Hatem Abdul Qader, there has been an unprecedented attack on Palestinian homes in the city since the start of 2009, including 2,300 demolition orders.

In Silwan, settler squatters in a seven story building in the heart of the town were allowed to stay in the Palestinian building despite a Supreme Court order ruling demanding their evacuation. Police failed to evacuate them at the last minute after pressure was put on them from Ateret Cohanim, the extreme right wing settler group that took over the building years ago.

On November 19, Israeli police arrested a 16-year old yeshiva student from Jerusalem who stabbed a Palestinian man in the stomach before trying to escape. Police said the teenager has been involved in a number of attacks against Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah and in Hebron.

Finally, on November 20, Israeli forces arrested five PA officers and one commander in the West Bank cities of Nablus and Salfit. According to Palestinian media sources, Palestinian and Israeli officials have been holding ongoing contacts to solve the crisis, with the US intervening as well, saying it was "concerned" over Israel's actions. Just before press time, three more PA officers were arrested in Qalqilya. While the first five were released, the most recent three officers are still in detention.

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