Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This week, Israel and the Palestinians prepared responses to the Goldstone report as required from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. According to UN Palestine representative Riyad Mansour on January 29, the Palestinian Authority will set up a committee to investigate the reports' claims of Hamas crimes during Israel's Operation Cast Lead last winter.

Israel already submitted its response earlier this week in which it called the report "inaccurate" claiming that Israel abided fully by the rules of war.

Also on the 29th, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the report was "distorted, false, and irresponsible." Israel's response came at the end of a three-month UN deadline for submitting the report, both by Israel and the Palestinians.

"This morning we handed the UN a report of the investigations and operations that took place during Operation Cast Lead," Barak said. "This report stresses that the IDF is like no other army, both from a moral standpoint as well as from a professional standpoint."

Hamas, for its part, has also said it would submit its own independent report in response to the Goldstone charges. However, the de facto government has discredited any PA investigation into the Gaza war, saying it does not have the authority to do so. Hamas has also denied any wrongdoing during the war. On January 27, an initial report claimed the movement did not intentionally target Israeli civilians when firing rockets into Israeli territory, saying the groups meant to hit Israeli military targets and avoid civilians, chalking up the civilian deaths to "imprecise fire."

Meanwhile in Gaza, on January 25, the Palestinian energy authority announced that the sole electric generator in Gaza is at the brink of collapse because the European Union has stopped funding fuel shipments to the Strip. Obeid also said half of the stations' capacity came to a halt on the 25th because Israel had stopped supplying the Strip with the necessary fuel to operate the station. On a brighter note, on January 28, 154 US Congress members demanded that President Barack Obama exert pressure on Israel to ease its siege on the Gaza Strip. The initiative came in the form of a letter from Representatives Jim McDermott from Washington and Keith Ellison from Minnesota, both Democrats. Ellison is the first American Muslim to win election to Congress.

The two congressmen said that although they understand "the threats" facing Israel, "this concern must be addressed without resulting in the de facto collective punishment of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip", adding that the siege has hampered the ability of aid agencies to do their work in Gaza.

In another positive step from Capitol Hill, a letter was signed by 33 members of Congress and sent to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling on her to inquire with Israel about students from Gaza who are having difficulty studying at universities in the West Bank due to the lack of free passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

"Ensuring that students from Gaza have access to higher education in the West Bank promotes U.S. foreign policy interests by investing in the future of the region," the letter states.

As for the US President, while he did not mention the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in his state of the union address earlier in the week, he did say on January 28 that he felt the plight of the Palestinians was "something we have to pay attention to." This, of course, came after his commitment to Israel as "one of our strongest allies" and his promise that his government would never waver from supporting Israel's security, linking the Palestinian plight to Israel's safety. "It is not good for our security and for Israel's security if you have millions of individuals who feel hopeless."

In other news, Hamas is blaming Israel for the recent assassination of one of its top men, Abdul Raauf Mabhuh in Dubai. Apparently, Mabhuh was killed on January 20th in the UAE but his death was not announced until the 29th. While the circumstances surrounding his death have yet to be made public, Hamas has vowed retaliation.

"We in Hamas hold the Zionist enemy responsible for the criminal assassination of our brother, and we pledge to God and to the blood of the martyrs and to our people to continue his path of jihad and martyrdom," read a statement from Hamas. Mabhuh was buried on January 29 in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp near Damascus.

Meanwhile, renowned Israeli writer David Grossman has spoken out against settler violence against the Palestinians. On January 29, Grossman, also known for his peace activism, accused Israel's settlers and right wing politicians of abusing Palestinians and destroying any chance for peace. Grossman made his statements during a now weekly protest in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah at the site where Jewish settlers have taken over Palestinian homes. "Sometimes, it's not possible to sit and be silent. Settlers and the political right aided by the government, the legal system, and economic powers abuse the Palestinians in 1,001 different ways."

If anything, Israel's government is only substantiating Grossman's claim. On January 29, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu promised that Israel would retain control of the major settlement blocs in any future agreement with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu was speaking at a tree-planting ceremony in Ariel, a northern West Bank settlement at the time. "Ariel, the capital of Samaria (the northern West Bank), will be an integral, inseparable part of the state of Israel in any future arrangement," Netanyahu said.

On January 24, Netanyahu made similar statements during a tour of the Gush Etzion settlement bloc in southern Bethlehem and Maaleh Adumim built along eastern Jerusalem. Netanyahu said Gush Etzion would remain an eternal part of Israel. Settlers, in the meantime, continued to wreak havoc on Palestinians in the West Bank. On January 29, 20 people including 14 children were injured in the Ramallah-area village of Nabi Saleh during a demonstration against the separation wall there. The settlers, from the settlement of Halmish, took over a privately-owned spring in the village six weeks ago, banning the villagers from reaching the area.

Also on January 29, settlers took over 400 dunams of Palestinian land near Deir Al Hatab, east of Nablus.

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