Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This week counted another installment of the stalled direct peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis since the end of the 10-month slowdown on settlement construction. President Mahmoud Abbas publicly rejected, on October 11, a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to extend the slowdown in exchange for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

The next day the U.S. came out in support of Netanyahu’s offer which is widely seen among Palestinians as an attempt to preempt the right of return for Palestinian refugees and a threat to the 1.3 million Palestinian Arabs living with Israeli citizenship. A state department spokesman said it was up to the Palestinians to break the impasse and provide a counteroffer with a Palestinian “core-issue” demand.

PLO Executive Committee Secretary Yasser Abed Rabbo hinted on October 13 that the Palestinian leadership would accept the offer in exchange for Israeli acceptance of final borders based on the 1967 lines.

Other officials in the Palestinian leadership categorically denied Abed Rabbo’s counteroffer was approved by the Palestinian leadership, with some calling for him to be punished for speaking out of line and possibly causing more division among Palestinians.

The week began with the Israeli Knesset approving on October 10 a highly controversial amendment to its immigration policy which requires non-Jewish immigrants to swear loyalty to “the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state."

The measure led to cheers from Israel’s nationalist right and cries from the Israeli left and the Palestinian Arab minority which makes up one fifth of Israel’s population that the country is on a path to becoming an authoritarian theocracy.

Some leftist cabinet members expressed the belief that Netanyahu’s support of the loyalty oath is a bid to get support from his ultranationalist allies for an extension to the settlement slowdown demanded by the U.S. and Palestinians before peace negotiations can continue.

Arab Knesset members denounced the proposal as the most racist legislation yet to pass through the Israeli legislature. "The government of Israel has become subservient to Yisrael Beiteinu and its fascist doctrine," Arab MK Ahmed Tibi said. "No other state in the world would force its citizens or those seeking citizenship to pledge allegiance to an ideology."

More such bills targeting Israel’s minorities and dissenters are expected with Interior Minister Eli Yishai saying he would propose his own bill to strip citizenship from anyone convicted of disloyalty to the state.

"Declarations are not enough in the fact against incidents such as Azmi Bishara and Hanin Zoabi," two Palestinian Arab Knesset members, one of whom is suspected of contacting enemy states and the other took part in the May Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Israeli media reported on October 13 of an Israeli Prisons Service drill conducted last week to prepare for dealing with a mass of Palestinian citizens of Israel being detained after a wave of riots. The simulation’s premise was a peace agreement with the Palestinians including forced population transfer between Israel and the PA.

"The holding of such a drill testifies to the fact that thoughts of transfer, called by such names as the exchange of territories or the exchange of populations, are not merely an election slogan or the personal fantasy of certain politicians and ministers but a subject for discussion on the agenda of the government and of those who are behind holding the exercise in this form," wrote attorney Awni Banna, for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

On October 14, Netenyahu authorized construction of 240 new housing units in east Jerusalem.

"The Netanyahu government is determined to thwart any chance of resuming direct negotiations," said chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, hours after media reported on the planned construction.

Americans expressed disappointment over the announcement, yet Israeli officials said they discussed the construction with the U.S. beforehand and cut the number of units to quell American disapproval.

This was the first time new construction was approved in east Jerusalem since U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Israel last March, when it was announced that 1,600 housing units would be built in the area despite the settlement freeze.

Earlier this week, the West Bank city of Jericho celebrated its 10,000th birthday chosen on the symbolic date 10/10/2010. Believed to be the longest continually inhabited place on earth, it is a top Palestinian tourist destination with a million foreign tourists every year.

The festivities included a special cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad followed by a 2.8 mile foot race, a military band and fireworks.

Residents had complained ahead of the fete that the celebrations were too low-key and would not do justice to the occasion, which has been planned since 2007.

Local officials said many important infrastructure projects that were supposed to have been completed by the anniversary were stalled by Israeli restrictions and lack of international funding.

In Gaza, Hamas security forces raided and shut down the headquarters of the Palestinian Journalists Union there. Largely dominated by the Fatah movement, Hamas has closed the office “until further notice,” the head of the organization Abdelnasser al-Najar said. The de facto Hamas government had no immediate comment on the incident.

Najar said the raid was the latest case in a crackdown on the media in Gaza which has so far had around 25 media outlets shut down since the 2007 Hamas takeover of the Strip.

In the occupied territories, 10 Palestinians were injured on October 15 by rubber bullets and tear gas during clashes with Israeli forces after noon prayers Friday in the Silwan neighborhood of east Jerusalem.

The same day, firefighters were prevented from reaching the site of torched Palestinian olive groves near the northern West Bank town of Qalqiliya. Civil defense spokesman Mohammad Amer said tens of thousands of shekels of damage was caused when Jewish settlers set fire to the grove and blocked emergency teams from accessing the site.

Correction: Last week’s Week in Review erroneously reported the target of Israel’s recently passed amendment to the citizenship law. The amendment requires non-Jewish immigrants to swear loyalty to a “Jewish and democratic state”.

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