Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed a package of security guarantees to his security cabinet early this week offered verbally by Washington to entice Israel to extend the settlement moratorium. Negotiations with Palestinian leadership have been on hold since Israel lifted restrictions on settlement construction on September 26.

Approval of the package has been elusive as Israel doubts Washington’s commitment. To allay those fears, the American administration indicated on November 19 that it is willing to grant Israel some of the proposals in writing on in exchange for a three-month settlement freeze extension and a return to direct negotiations with Palestinians.

A U.S. State department spokesman said, “If there is a need to put certain understandings in writing, we will be prepared to do that.”

Yet, an unidentified Israeli official said the same day that the Americans haven’t yet committed to paper the guarantees Israel wants. Reportedly the latest dispute is over the bill attached to 20 state-of-the-art F-35 stealth fighter jets worth $3 billion. Israel is asking for the jets for free which Israeli politicians said was a part of the original offer and Washington is backtracking, now asking Israel to pay for them instead.

Netanyahu has said "intensive" discussions with Washington continued to get the necessary "understandings."

For his part President Mahmoud Abbas criticized the offer, saying it was a pretext to give Israel more weapons.

"We refuse to allow the offer of planes be linked in any way to a freeze on settlements," he told the London-based Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat. "The United States is an ally of Israel and we can not prevent that."

Meanwhile, the predominantly Muslim Palestinians celebrated the Eid al-Adha holiday commemorating the annual pilgrimage to Hajj. Roads, stores, parks and playgrounds were packed with celebrators for three days starting November 16, and continuing the traditions, buying new clothes and gifts for children and relatives.

Celebrations were interrupted in Gaza on November 19 though, as the Israeli Air Force bombed two targets in the Gaza Strip as well as smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. Six Palestinians were reported injured.

The Israeli military announced the strikes were a response to rocket and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip on the night of November 18. The escalation follows the assassination of two senior Army of Islam members earlier this month which militants say is the impetus for firing into Israel.

Abu Mujahed, a Popular Resistance Committee spokesman in Gaza, said that "the firing by Palestinian organizations from the Gaza Strip is part of our right to respond to the Israeli crimes and the recent assassinations."

UN Secretary General ban Ki-moon praised Israel for its November 16 decision to withdraw from Lebanon’s Ghajar region in line with the UN Security Council brokered ceasefire during the 2006 war in Lebanon. Ban commended all sides for continuing implementation of UN resolutions.

"The UN intends to continue to work closely with all parties in the coming period in a process to resolve the permanent status of Ghajar," Ban said in a statement.

Residents of the town demonstrated against the withdrawal out of fear of losing their access to public services and uncertainty for their future.

Israel announced it will complete its multi-layered missile defense shield by 2015 which is supposed to protect Israeli population centers against the range of possible missile attacks, from short-range rockets at low levels to ballistic missiles in space. The timing of the system is said to correspond with estimates on Iran’s progress on its nuclear program.

Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barakat announced a controversial new policy for east Jerusalem to the public on November 16. The re-zoning plan centers on the Gan Hamelech (King's Garden) project which calls for demolition of 22 Palestinian houses which are said to have been built without Israeli permits in the al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan.

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