Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Christians worldwide are celebrating Easter week, including in Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified and later resurrected. On April 22, Good Friday, throngs of Christian pilgrims walked the way of the Cross in Jerusalem’s Old City under heavy Israeli military presence. Israel tightened its measures in Jerusalem this week, during which Jews celebrate Passover.

Good Friday, which is sometimes called “Mournful Friday” in Arabic was appropriate this year for the scores killed in Syria. According to human rights organizations and media reports, 88 people were killed in anti-demonstrations in the country on this day by government forces.

In Gaza, three Palestinians were also wounded on April 22 when Palestinian sources say Israeli mortar shells were shot into Gaza City’s industrial zone. The shells fell near a UN compound, injuring three factory workers. Israel denies any military activity in the region.

On April 21, Israeli troops entered Gaza by tank, demolishing several buildings which Israeli military sources said were being used by "terrorist organizations". Witnesses, on the other hand, said the buildings were used to store equipment, diapers, scrap metal and cleaning detergent, all of which were damaged in the destruction of the warehouses.

The operation also damaged a room holding the electrical generators for the Karni crossing industrial zone.

Also in Gaza on April 19, members of Hamas’ security apparatuses clashed with suspects in the Vittorio Arrigoni murder last week. According to the Gaza de facto interior ministry, the run-in ended with the death of two of the suspects and the injury of three Hamas security men. One of the dead men was Jordanian Abdul Rahman Al Bureizat, whose body was later returned to Jordan. The Gaza police have been in pursuit of the killers, members of the Salafi group, since the murder last week of the Italian solidarity activist, claiming they had planned to take them in alive so they could question them about the motives and people behind the crime. One man was arrested and taken into custody after the shootout ended.

Meanwhile, the West Bank government is continuing its preparations for declaration of Palestinian statehood in September. As part of the leadership’s efforts to rally the two-thirds majority it needs in the General Assembly to pass a resolution supporting a unilateral declaration, President Mahmoud Abbas travelled to France on April 20 and was received, for the first time, as a president of state. At the airport Abbas was received by French President Nicholas Sarkozy to the tune of both the French and Palestinian anthems.

On April 21, France’s UN ambassador Gerard Araud told a Security Council debate on the Middle East that European nations are considering recognizing a Palestinian state. “Recognition of the state of Palestine is one of the options which France is considering, with its European partners" Araurd said.

Britain is also hinting that it could follow France’s example. "Nothing is off the table with regard to recognition in September," said a British government spokesman. "But nor are we specifying what conditions would be necessary, or sufficient, to recognize, or indeed not to recognize -- we'll have to look at all relevant factors at the time."

The United States is not so keen on the move. US President Barack Obama will probably give a speech next month outlining a new “peace proposal” but his country will not support any Palestinian bid for statehood within the corridors of the UN. On April 20, US State Department Spokesperson Mark Toner said of his country’s position on the matter: “We don’t believe it’s a good idea; we don’t believe it’s helpful.”

As for Obama’s peace proposal, according to the New York Times and White House sources, Palestinians would have to kiss the right of return goodbye. The proposal would most likely include four terms of reference based on final status issues that would entail the following: Israel would accept a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders; Palestinians would have to accept that they would not get the right of return to land from which they fled or were forced to flee inside the Green Line; Jerusalem would be the capital of both states; and Israeli security would have to be protected.

The US is active in the UN in respect to one issue, however. On April 21, US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice told the Security Council, “The United States urges the United Nations to end, once and for all, its actions in relation to the Goldstone Report," the document penned primarily by Richard Goldstone on Israel’s Cast Lead invasion into the Gaza Strip in the winter of 2008-2009.

One unexpected group of people who are moving to show support for Palestinian statehood is a group of Israeli left wing leaders, who demonstrated in Tel Aviv on April 21 to call for Palestinian independence. “We are here to welcome the expected announcement of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, according to the borders of our Independence, fixed during the 1949 armistice," the group’s petition reads. "The complete end of the occupation is an essential condition of the liberation of the two peoples."

The rally was accosted by Israeli right-wingers who heckled the demonstrators, yelling: "Leftist professors, it will all blow up in your face", "Kahane was right," and "Traitors.”

Meanwhile, President Abbas announced on April 18 that a new government would be formed in the coming weeks, despite failed reconciliation efforts, casting blame for the failure squarely on Hamas. He said the leadership had already delayed the new formation long enough in the hopes that reconciliation could be reached but said Hamas had yet to positively respond to his initiative to go to Gaza and form the government. “We cannot wait longer than this,” Abbas said, maintaining that any future moves by Hamas to reconcile would be accepted.

In the West Bank, dozens of settlers from Itimar took over a hilltop on April 20 overlooking Nablus to erect a settlement outpost. A day earlier, on April 19, homeowners to 10 homes were handed eviction orders from Israeli authorities in Jerusalem in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Earlier in the week, on April 16, Palestinian store owners in east Jerusalem’s Musrara quarter said right wing settlers took over a number of buildings, raised Israeli flags over them and moved in eight Jewish families. Israeli authorities claim the homes were owned by Jews before 1929 and were reclaimed through the Israeli Custodian of Absentee Property.

Finally, Israeli police say they have arrested two Palestinian youths they claim carried out the killing of five family members in the Itimar settlement near Nablus. The young men, from the village of Awarta, Mohammed Awad, 19, and Hakim Mazen Awad, 18 are said to have confessed to the crime. Palestinians from the village have rejected the claims, saying at least one of the teens was home and recuperating from surgery when the killings took place.

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