Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

A battle over the Freedom Flotilla II has continued throughout the week. On June 27, Israel’s security cabinet ordered its navy to stop the flotilla from reaching the Gaza Strip, but to do so “with minimal confrontation, as far as possible”. Members of the cabinet decided that the ships would not be allowed to anchor in Gaza, but following security checks, the cargo could be delivered to Gaza from Israel’s port of Ashdod or Egypt’s El-Arish.

Activists continue to stand by their decision to breach the naval blockade stating that, “There is no question that Israel’s closure of Gaza is illegal. A blockade is an act of war,” said Huwaida Arraf, leader of the Free Gaza movement. She continued, “Israel is occupying Gaza. You don’t declare war on a territory you occupy. Second, Israel’s policy is one of collective punishment, punishing an entire civilian population for something they did not do …”

Despite warnings from the United States telling activists not to sail, Ann Wright, a retired US army colonel stated that, “We are challenging President Obama’s policies and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton who has called our actions provocative. We say there is nothing provocative about carrying our cargo, which is letters, letters to the people of Gaza that say that we love them.”

It is still unknown whether the flotilla will make it anywhere close to the Gaza Strip. At least two ships have been damaged so far. First, the Greek-Swedish ship "Juliano” was damaged on June 27, and then the Irish ship "Saoirse" on June 30. The Irish boat was docked in Turkey’s territorial waters when the engine was tampered with. Activists said it was done in such a way that would have caused fatalities if the ship had set sail. It is assumed that Israel is behind the damage, yet it is not proven.

Furthermore, Israel has claimed that the passengers on board the ships have chemical weapons and flamethrowers. The activists have welcomed outside inspection to prove that they have nothing of the sort. On June 29, several Israeli ministers regarded these claims made by the army as “spin” and stated that they had not been briefed with any such information. They suggested that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office was responsible for the disinformation.

On July 1, due to Israeli pressure, Greek coastguard officials intercepted the US ship “Audacity of Hope” as it attempted to leave for Gaza. Hamas harshly condemned this action while calling on the EU parliament and human rights groups to "to put pressure on the Greek government" to allow the ships to sail and deliver their aid.

In other news, on June 30, Hamas and Fatah decided that the formation of a unity government will be postponed until September, after the UN bid for statehood. Talks that were scheduled for Cairo have been postponed indefinitely. Both parties, however, stress that reconciliation efforts have not failed. "It is inappropriate to jump to a conclusion and say that reconciliation efforts have reached an impasse, or that they are frozen," a Hamas official stated.

Palestinian presidential adviser, Nimir Hammad, stated on June 30 that the September UN bid could be postponed if talks with Israel are restarted based on a French peace initiative. Hammad mentioned that talks that are based on 1967 borders along with a total halt of settlements could delay the bid.

Also on June 30, the US Senate unanimously voted for a resolution that would condemn the Palestinians for seeking statehood at the UN. It warns that US aid to Palestine could be cut off if the Palestinians choose this route over negotiations with Israel. The Palestinians have thus far ignored the threats.

On June 28, 11 Palestinians were detained in the West Bank. One of which was a Hamas-affiliated member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and another was a journalist. A statement by Hamas legislators said "Abduction of lawmakers is continuation of a plan to assassinate the Palestinian people”. Over the past eight months, 14 Hamas parliamentarians have been detained by Israel.

On July 1, The Minister of Prisoners Affairs stated that Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon will begin a hunger strike on July 3 which will last for 3 days. It is to protest against Israeli policies in the prisons including a violent raid that took place on June 30. This follows Prime Minister Netanyahu’s previous statement that “the party is over” for Palestinian prisoners. Conditions for Palestinian detainees are expected to worsen in order for Israel to exert pressure on Hamas to release captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

Finally, following the dismantlement of sections of the separation barrier last week, the residents of Bilin are planning to build a new neighborhood on the 600 dunams of land that was returned to them. The dismantlement of the wall near the village came four years after the Israeli High Court ruled that it was to be rerouted. The residents assert that they will continue to protest until the remaining 1350 dunams of land is returned to them.

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