Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The world over, including the Palestinians were shocked on July 22 at the horrible terrorist attacks in Norway, which claimed the lives of at least 90 people. President Mahmoud Abbas strongly condemned the bombing in Oslo and shooting at a youth camp outside of the capital, carried out by a right wing extremist Norwegian man. Abbas said the Palestinians would always stand alongside the Norwegian people saying he extended his deepest condolences to the families of the victims.

Just days earlier, on July 18, Abbas signed an agreement with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere, upgrading the Palestinians’ diplomatic representation to mission. Stoere, commenting on September said it was "perfectly legitimate" for Palestinians to take their case for statehood to the United Nations.

"We will consider very carefully the proposed text that's to be put forward by the Palestinians in the coming weeks," he said during a joint press conference with President Abbas. "Norway believes it is perfectly legitimate for the Palestinian president to turn to the United Nations with such proposals," Stoere said, adding that continued negotiations with Israel will be required in any case.

President Abbas has been making the rounds just like other members of the leadership to encourage countries to back them in their September quest for recognition. The president was in Spain and Turkey where the Second Palestine Ambassadors Forum will be opened in Istanbul on July 23.

"Whatever happens and whatever the result of our action in the UN may be, we know that we will return to the negotiating table to reach the best possible solution with the Israelis," Abbas said during his visit to Barcelona.

"The efforts that we have taken to go to the United Nations in September will not be detrimental to peace nor to negotiations, which we want to continue”.

While the Palestinians scramble to gather votes for their vote, Israel is scrambling to create more facts on the ground before any final solution is found. On July 18, Israeli media sources said the Israeli housing ministry decided to build 7,000 new housing units in various areas of the West Bank over the coming years. In the immediate future, plans are set for the construction of 294 units in the Beitar settlement west of Bethlehem and 42 units in Karneh Shomron in the Nablus region.

Then on July 21, Israeli media sources said internal military documents were revealed that shows a trend in the Israeli army’s civil administration towards increasing “state-ownership” of Palestinian land in the West Bank. This means that construction would not only be increased in settlements such as Maaleh Adumim but also in zones like the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea, two places in which Israel insists on keeping a military presence in the case of a final settlement.

Naturally, with settlements comes displacement. On June 21, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs released a report documenting escalating trends in the forced displacement of Palestinians in Area C.

According to the report, more demolitions have taken place so far in 2011 than in all of 2009 and 2010 combined. The Khan Al-Ahmar village near Jerusalem received four stop work orders last week, the report said, and there are ongoing demolition orders against another 250 structures in surrounding communities.

Around 20 Bedouin communities with a population of 2,353 people live in the Jerusalem periphery with over 80 percent of them at risk of displacement due to the expansion of the Maale Adumim settlement and the separation wall.

On July 19, a senior Israeli army commander acknowledged that settler violence and harassment against Palestinians in the West Bank is terrorism. The commander, Avi Mizrahi even suggested that certain yeshivas in the occupied territories should be closed since they are a source of terror. Speaking to ‘Meet the Press’ on Israel’s Channel 2 television, Mizrahi said several Od Yosef Chai yeshiva leaders in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar hold views that are not “consistent with democracy,” calling settler attacks on Palestinians “Jewish terror.”

One such incident occurred on June 22 when 150 dunams of land were destroyed after settlers set fire to the farm land north of Nablus according to the Palestinian Civil Defense. Alongside firefighters, residents of Burin helped extinguish the flames which ruined thousands of olive and fruit trees. Fires also broke out in Salfit where approximately 80 olive trees were destroyed. An additional 100 olive trees were also burned down in the Tulkram district between the villages of Izbat Shofa and Bala.

On July 20, the French yacht “Dignite (Al Karama) and the only boat from the Freedom Flotilla II to actually set sail to Gaza, was intercepted by the Israeli navy. The boat was boarded and the passengers taken to the port of Ashdod and subsequently deported.

On July 17, 10 Palestinians from the same family, including four children were wounded in Israeli shelling on Beit Hanoun. Over 30 homes and stores were also damaged in the raid.

In local news, on July 20, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad announced that if the Palestinian Authority did not receive financial assistance it would be difficult to pay employee salaries this month. Last month, the PA was only able to pay half salaries because of the lack of funds.

Furthermore, on July 19, Central Elections Committee executive director Hisham Kuheil said local elections, scheduled for October, would most likely be postponed because of the continued lack of reconciliation between Hamas and Fateh and the subsequent difficulty in holding elections in Gaza.

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