Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Three Palestinians were killed in the early morning hours of August 20 in an Israeli rocket attack including a five year old boy and two others from the same family. The deaths followed a series of attacks that have been taking place ever since the border attacks on Israeli targets on August 18, which claimed the lives of eight Israelis and five Egyptian policemen.

The surprise attack on began at noon when three men opened fire in the Egyptian Sinai at the border with Eilat, opening fire at an Israeli bus filled mostly with soldiers. A second bus was then attacked in which the driver was killed. In a third attack four people were killed in a passing car and the driver of another. The end of the day death toll for Israel was seven, including one soldier.

In the ensuing chase to catch the perpetrators, Israeli forces also killed the Egyptian policemen. While Egypt has denied that the gunmen originated from the Sinai, Israel is claiming the attackers breached the Gaza-Egypt border and traveled to the Sinai-Israel border and carried out the attack.

On the 19th Egypt announced it would withdraw its ambassador to Israel until it receives an apology for the killing of the policemen. It has also demanded an official investigation into their deaths.

Israel, meanwhile, is pointing its finger, and its weapons at Gaza, beginning an immediate military campaign against the Strip. Since the start of the operation, 15 people have been killed in Gaza by Israeli military forces. On August 18, Israeli troops targeted the Popular Resistance Committees, which it says is responsible for the border attack. Six men were killed in Rafah, including commanders of the PRC and a two-year old child, Malek Shaath.

Hamas has since called off its ceasefire with Israel, saying it will defend itself against Israeli attacks. It said it was not the policy of its movement to launch attacks against Israeli targets from other countries. "There can be no truce with the Israeli occupation while it commits massacres against the Palestinian people without justification," a representative of the Al Aqsa Brigades said.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made no apologies on August 19 for the operations, saying that the killing of the Popular Resistance Committee commanders was “only the beginning” of Israel's response to the Sinai attacks.

"We have a policy of extracting a very high price from anyone who causes us harm, and this policy is acted upon," he said.

In Gaza, two more people died on August 16 when a tunnel was destroyed and 38-year old Amin Dabbash was killed when an Israeli army jeep ran him over near the east Jerusalem settlement of Har Homa. On the same day six Palestinian refugees in the Syrian city of Al Ramel near Latikiya were killed by Syrian troops. Thousands of others fled the refugee camp with the same name to escape the Syrian authorities’ crackdown on anti-government protests.

In the meantime, Israel is continuing with its settlement expansion throughout the Palestinian territories. On August 15, Israel’s planning and construction committee ratified 277 new settlement units in Ariel in the northern West Bank. Presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rdainah condemned the move. "This act is condemned and is an Israeli attempt to obstruct and destroy what is left of any effort to revive the peace process,” he told Reuters. "Once again, these Israeli settlement measures represent a strong reason for us to go to the United Nations and the Security Council to request membership for the State of Palestine," he said.

The Palestinians were not the only ones upset with the settlement construction. On August 16, Middle East Quartet Committee expressed its “grave concern” over Israel’s decision to approve the Ariel expansion in addition to last week’s approval of thousands of housing units in east Jerusalem.

"The Quartet is greatly concerned by Israel's recent announcements to advance planning for new housing units in Ariel and east Jerusalem," the committee said in a statement.

"The Quartet reaffirms that unilateral action by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community. Jerusalem in particular is one of the core issues that must be resolved through negotiations between the parties, which underscores the urgent need for the parties to resume serious and substantive talks.”

Israel is also under fire from Turkey, which said on August 17 that it plans to launch a diplomatic and legal assault on Israel for refusing to apologize for the nine Turkish deaths last year on the Mavi Marmara. The foreign ministry said it would begin anti-Israel campaign in UN institutions, with an emphasis on the International Court of Justice and will encourage the families of the victims to file suits against senior Israeli figures in European courts.

On August 15, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy promoted a bill to suspend U.S. assistance to three elite Israeli army units because of their involvement in human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Leahy wants funds withheld from the Israel Navy's Shayetet 13 unit, the undercover Duvdevan unit and the Israel Air Force's Shaldag unit, saying these units are responsible for harming innocent Palestinian civilians and that no system of investigation is in place to ensure that their members are not committing human rights violations.

Finally, on August 14, Israeli forces set fire to dozens of fruit trees in Kufr Kadum in the Qalqilya area. According to villagers, the trees burned down after Israeli troops fired tear gas and stun grenades on them. Thirty-two olive trees were burned down before villagers were able to put out the fires.

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