Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On Friday, October 7, President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in the Dominican Republic, another stop on his tour in Europe and Latin America to drum up support for full membership of the Palestinian state in the UN. In Latin America, Abbas is also scheduled to visit Colombia and El Salvador. Unlike most other Latin American countries, Colombia has not yet recognized the Palestinian state. A close ally of Washington, Colombia, who is currently a member of the UN Security Council, opposes the Palestinian move and has pledged to abstain in any Security Council vote.

Earlier this week, Abbas was in Europe to lobby for important European votes when the Palestinian UN membership will be voted on sometime in the coming weeks. Here he visited the Council of Europe in Strasbourg that has just upgraded the level of Palestinian representation. As the leading human rights body in Europe, the council granted the Palestinians partnership status this week.

US “punishment” for the Palestinians’ push for statehood have started to show on the ground. On October 6 Palestinian economy minister, Hasan Abu Libdeh, confirmed that all projects funded by the US International Assistance Agency under its 2011 budget have been halted in the Palestinian territories. This is due to the blocked transfer of some $200 million in funding by the US Congress.

As the US Congress put a freeze on aid due to the UN membership bid, the Obama administration is lobbying to unblock the funds. On Monday the 3rd, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the administration was in “intensive” discussions with key lawmakers who had put a hold on the financial aid for the Palestinian Authority, according to Maan News Agency. Further, Nuland said the Obama administration viewed US aid as crucial to preparing the PA for its eventual role as the government of a Palestinian state: "We think it is money that is not only in the interest of the Palestinians, it is in US interest and it is also in Israeli interest and we would like to see it go forward."

In spite of lobbying from the Obama administration, appropriators from both parties in the US House and Senate have already signaled that they may block economic and security aid for the fiscal year 2012 if Abbas forges ahead with the statehood bid.

The freeze of funding affects projects on infrastructure, road, water and health Abu Libdeh told Maan. According to him, dozens have already lost their jobs related to projects earmarked for blocked funds. The funding block comes not long after reports by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank stated that the PA state-building program is threatened by financial problems.

The biggest funder of the PA, the European Union, has stated that it will continue in funding the West Bank government.

In spite of US efforts to put a halt to anything related to the Palestinian statehood bid, on October 5 Palestine won a diplomatic victory when the UNESCO executive committee backed its bid to become a member of the body with the rights of a state. With no countries being able to veto, the motion passed with 40 votes in favor, four against and with 14 abstentions. On October 25th the UNESCO general assembly will vote on the motion. Here Palestine will need the backing of two thirds of UNESCO’s 193 member states. UNESCO membership will allow Palestine to apply to classify its monuments as World Heritage Sites.

According to Haaretz the Israeli Foreign Ministry responded to the Palestinian request for membership to UNESCO by saying that it is a “rejection of the path of negotiations, as well as of the Quartet plan to continue with the political process.” Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO, Nimrod Barkan, said that the Palestinians “are high jacking the organization for political purposes” and maintains that in the coming weeks the Israelis will try to persuade various governments not to “politicize UNESCO”.

Shortly before the UNESCO vote, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the UN agency should reconsider its plan to support the Palestinian move. In a not so subtle remark, Clinton mentioned that UNESCO can lose important funding if they continue their support.

Throughout the week, protests and demonstrations have been held all over the West Bank and in Gaza City in support of the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. The prisoners are demanding an end to solitary confinement and collective punishment, fines and what they say are provocative cell raids. Further they want improvements in medical care, better visitation rights and access to university courses, books and newspapers.

According to the prisoner rights group, Addameer, the prisoners striking against the worsening conditions have been transferred to different facilities, denied visits by lawyers and put in solitary confinement.

Overnight Sunday, October 2, a mosque in the Bedouin village of Tuba Zangaria in northern Israel was set on fire, causing heavy damage to the carpets and walls. The outside of the mosque was tagged with the words “price tag” and “revenge” in Hebrew.

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