Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Last night, March 9, Israeli military forces began an attack on Gaza by air, which has so far claimed the lives of 12 Palestinians with at least 20 injured. Yesterday evening, an Israeli missile targeted head of the Popular Resistance Committees Zuheir Qaisi, 46, in a car also carrying one of his deputies Mohammed Hinani, who was killed as well. Hinani, who was released from an Israeli prison years ago and deported to Gaza, was not allowed by Israeli authorities to be returned to his Nablus-area village of Beit Fourik for burial.

The following 12 hours saw numerous strikes on other targets including locations for Hamas’ Izzedin Al Qassam Brigades. Ten more people have been killed thus far. Israel has accused Qaisi of helping to plan the attack that took place along the border with Egypt, which killed seven Israelis last year.

The PRC has denied involvement in the aforementioned attack. After their leader was killed, the PRC’s military wing, the Nasser Salah Ad-Din Brigades promised a "seismic response" to the assassination. Three members of the Islamic Jihad were also killed in Israel’s attacks.

Jihad leader Sheikh Nafeth Azzam said in a statement that, "The enemy is the one who initiates violence, murder and arrests, therefore the jihad and resistance should be set as it is the only option that will deter the occupation."

The Palestinian Authority was more cautious in its condemnation. Presidential advisor Nabil Abu Rdeineh charged that “the escalation would create a negative climate and lead to an escalating cycle of violence,” holding the Israeli government responsible for any ramifications of the attacks.

Furthermore, Hamas’ military wing, the Izzedin Qassam Brigades promised revenge, saying the killing of Qaisi and Hinani would “turn into a curse on the enemy”, and that “their spilled blood would not be in vain.”

The response to the Gaza onslaught has been a barrage of rockets fired into Israel’s southern territory. Rockets have reached as far as Beer Sheva and Ashkelon. In the Western Negev, Israeli sources said eight Israelis were injured including two foreign workers from Palestinian rockets on March 10.

These have not been the only deaths this week. On March 8, 17-year old Zakariya Abu Arram was shot to death by Israeli soldiers who raided the Hebron-area town of Yatta to arrest freed prisoner Mousa Makhamra. Residents gathered around the house, which was surrounded by the Israeli military and clashed with the soldiers. The army said Abu Arram stabbed a soldier in the neck before he was shot and killed. One other resident was also shot and injured before being arrested. Makhamra was released in the Shalit prison swap with Hamas in October.

And while the escalation in Gaza has thrown the delicate calm into a tailspin, international efforts are still ongoing to restart negotiations between the two sides. The Quartet Committee announced on March 9 that it would meet on Monday at the headquarters to discuss the stalled peace process. The UN press office said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would meet ahead of a special UN Security Council session on the Arab Spring uprisings with the other parties participating through video conference.

Furthermore, President Mahmoud Abbas is getting ready to send his “mother of all letters” to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. On March 8, the leadership said the letter would be sent to Netanyahu and key world players in a “matter of days”. The letter will outline the Palestinians’ vision of an end to the conflict and obligations Israel must meet in order for the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table, namely an end to settlement activity and recognition of the 1967 borders as the basis for a future Palestinian state. While media leaks maintained that the letter contained Abbas’ acceptance of the annexation of major settlement blocs to Israel, the Palestinians denied the claim saying they would consider “land swaps of equal size and value” with Israel. Official Palestinian sources also said the United States had sent letters to the PLO urging them to “soften their tone and stances” in drafting the letter.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to expand its settlements on Palestinian land. On March 9, the Israeli Committee for Planning and Construction approved 55 housing units in Har Homa settlement in east Jerusalem.

On March 8, Palestinian participated in International Women’s Day celebrations, which took on the form of marches and demonstrations in a number of Palestinian areas. Women took to the streets calling for justice and freedom, this year in the name of Hana’ Shalabi, the Palestinian woman prisoner who has been on hunger strike for the past 24 days. At the Qalandiya checkpoint, scores of demonstrators were wounded from teargas inhalation shot by Israeli soldiers when they tried to approach the checkpoint. The Israeli army also shut down the checkpoint to outgoing and incoming traffic for hours during the height of the demonstration.

On March 6, two children were killed in the town of Saeer, in the Hebron district when leftover ordinance from the Israeli army exploded. A mortar shell left behind in a field near an Israeli army training base went off, killing Hamza and Zayed Jaradat, aged 12. Five others were also injured. Government press office spokesperson Ghassan Khatib said the PA had demanded maps from Israel indicating landmines in the occupied Palestinian territories so they could be removed.

Unfortunately, reconciliation efforts continue to falter. The Hamas authority in Gaza continues to ban the Central Elections Committee from updating its voter registries and accusations between the two sides have gone viral. Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar even went as far as calling Fatah “schizophrenic”.

Finally, US President Barack Obama met with Israeli premier Netanyahu on March 5. While the focus of their meeting was Iran and a possible Israeli strike on its nuclear reactors, Obama did not fail to reaffirm his country’s commitment to Israel’s security. A day earlier Obama addressed AIPAC, heaping praises on Israel and essentially ignoring the Palestinian cause. The Palestinians were less than happy with Obama, not only because of his clear bias towards Israel but because of his disregard for them.

“Any party that talks about peace in the Middle East should oblige the Israeli government to fulfill its commitments to the peace process,” PLO executive committee member Saeb Erekat said on March 5.

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