Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN General Assembly on Thursday 27 where he stressed on the importance of receiving the status of non-member statehood for Palestine. He also urged member states to “obstruct the occurrence of a new Nakba” mentioning Israel’s occupation and current policy of settlement expansion. While Abbas renounced violence and terror, “especially state terror” he did not relinquish the Palestinian leaderships’ desire for a peaceful settlement, despite what he called his people’s “anger and disappointment”. In a dramatic end to the speech, Abbas said: “Support the realization of a free and independent State of Palestine now. Let peace be victorious before it is too late.”

Abbas also met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Asheton on September 26th on the sidelines of the UN summit. Ashton reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to a Palestinian state alongside Israel and urged EU member states and donors to support the PA in overcoming its financial and economic crisis.

Meanwhile in Gaza, the underground tunnels to Egypt have been under strict control by Egyptian authorities, leading to a 31 percent fall in the import of basic goods and 45 percent in construction materials reports indicated on September 28. The tunnels which have been Gaza’s main point of entry and exit to the rest of the world are privately owned and function with an oversight from the Gaza de facto government Hamas. Hamas has been monitoring the passage of goods through the tunnels and the identity of the owners of the tunnels while the Egyptian authorities have now started sealing some of them off after the August 5 attacks in Sinai that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers.

One of two men who were shot by Israeli snipers across the border on September 28 died later on in the day. An Israeli army spokesperson responded saying that the soldiers only fired toward the legs of several people who had approached the northern border fence after they didn’t respond to warning shots.

Around 500 people have gone out to the streets in Gaza in a rare anti-Hamas protest on September 26, Reuters reported. The protest came after a boy died in a candle fire accident that burned down his parents’ home in Bureuji refugee camp during a power outage that day. The protestors, chanting anti-Hamas slogans and calling for the overthrow of its regime expressed their frustration over the power outages that only allowed them six hours of electricity per day, since February. Gaza security forces understated the protests which they presented as only a continuation of a sit in protest held by a general union of Palestinian women the previous day.

The women had the sit-in protest in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council office in Gaza on September 25 where they protested against the Hamas-Fatah rift. They called on both parties to realize the true aspirations of the Palestinian people and reconcile urgently saying the lack of unity benefits Israel and prolongs the occupation.

Ayman Sharawna, the last remaining hunger striker on his 88th day of strike is suffering from severe kidney problems and has lost 80% of his vision, Addameer, a prisoner rights group said on September 26. Ayman who had spent 10 years in Israeli jail was freed in a prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas last year but was rearrested in January 2012. Together with Sharawna are Ibrahim Abu Hijleh, Ayman Abu Dawoud, Yoused Shtiwi, Iyad Abu Fannoun and Samer al-Issawi - who were also released in the swap but held under new Israeli military order which revokes the amnesty of prisoners based on secret information and without new charge, a prisoners’ rights group Adameer said. Al-Issawi said on September 28 that he was prevented from seeing Red Cross representatives though he’s suffering from severe headaches and joint pains due to his 59-day hunger strike which has also affected his vision and walking abilities.

Around 80 Jewish Israelis accompanied by Israeli forces barged into al-Aqsa mosque from Bab al-Magharbeh gate on September 25 to perform religious rituals before the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Israeli forces reportedly closed entry ways to the Mosque during this visit and prevented Muslims below the age of 45 from entering the mosque on that day.

The Palestinian ambassador to Jordan debunked reports on September 25 that Jordan is concerned that refugees fleeing Syria would settle in Jordan, saying that Jordanian authorities have no such fears and are welcoming Palestinian refugees. His statement came after reports that revealed that Palestinian refugees are being housed in “Cyber City” – a former school in al-Ramtha separate from Syrian refugees in Jordan. The PA has asked the refugees to form committees that would represent them and facilitate communication in addressing their concerns. The PA has also distributed five trucks of food aid sent from the West Bank.

A Palestinian lawyer Haitham al-Khatib has submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel to open a testing center that will identify the remains of Palestinian bodies held in Israeli cemeteries. Al-Khatib has urged Israeli authorities to allow relatives to visit the cemetery in the Jordan Valley where it has withheld bodies of hundreds of Palestinians in violation of international law. Israel returned the remains of dozens of Palestinians in a “good will” gesture to President Abbas in May but identifying the remains and contacting their relatives was a challenge. In his bid to the court, Al-Khatib demanded the establishment of a Center that would conduct DNA tests to identify the remains.

A delegation consisting of 15 European dignitaries will represent the European Free Alliance Group in the EU Parliament in visiting the West Bank and east Jerusalem in October, a joint statement by European Free Alliance Group and the Palestinian European Relations said on September 25. The delegation will engage in a fact-finding mission on the day to day challenges of Palestinians resulting from the occupation and settlement expansion and is expected to visit refugee camps and hold meetings with NGOs and local politicians.

Palestinian leaders dismissed Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak’s proposal for a unilateral disengagement plan on the West Bank. Barak’s proposal which outlined the removal of smaller settlements with the major ones remaining was rejected by PLO executives who said it was yet another Israeli plan to legitimize settlements, avoid the question of Jerusalem and maintain the status quo on land expropriation. The timing of the proposal which coincided with the Palestinian bid for non-member state status at the UN General Assembly, PLO members said, shows Israel’s plan to undermine the bid, sustain the occupation and prevent the emergence of an internationally recognized Palestinian state.

The PA cabinet led by Prime Minster Salam Fayyad urged the international community to pressure Israel to lift obstacles and restrictions that damage the Palestinian economy and institution building. Citing World bank, IMG and UN reports, the Cabinet said its weekly meeting said on September 25, that the international community has to act now in halting Israel from undermining the Palestinians and the PA’s efforts in building institutions in the process of establishing an independent Palestinian state.

Meanwhile, Qatari Ambassador Muhammad al-Imadi visited Gaza on September 25 during which he communicated Qatar’s pledge of $500 million to assist reconstruction efforts in Gaza. The de facto Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh welcomed the ambassador and commended Qatar for its assistance and support against the Israeli blockade. He said the money would be used to rebuild infrastructure destroyed by Israeli sieges and will create job opportunities to thousands of Gazans.

Two Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails – Samir al-Barq and Hasan Safadi ended their hunger strike, Israeli Prison Service spokeswoman Sivan Weizman confirmed on Septmeber 23. Al-Buraq ended his 125 day hunger strike after an agreement with Israel for his exile to Egypt although the details of his release are not clarified yet. Al-Buraq said that he will resume his hunger strike and refuse to take any liquids if the agreement over his release is not actualized. Hasan Safadi who was on a 95 day hunger strike was transferred to Ramle prison clinic after he ended his strike with the promise that he will be freed by the end of his current administration term which expires end of October.

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