Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This week Israel announced plans to proceed with the expansion of east Jerusalem settlements of Ramot and Pisgat Zeev on annexed West Bank territory by a total of 1231 housing units. The settlements are illegal under international law though Israel disputes this and claims the land as part of greater Jerusalem. The plan was announced on Tuesday 6 November, a few days after President Mahmoud Abbas gave his assurances on Israeli TV that a future Palestinian would be along the 1967 lines. The news also coincided with the results of US presidential elections in which President Obama, who has been critical of Israeli settlement policy, was reelected for a second term. The EU, through its foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on November 8 that it “deeply regrets” Israel’s announcement, affirming that settlements are illegal under international law and will not be recognized by the EU. Britain’s minister for the Middle East Alistair Burt reiterated the illegality and illegitimacy of settlements while PLO officials said on the same day that they are being pressured by British officials to drop their bid for status upgrade later this month.

Meanwhile, the PLO has been strengthening its move towards the upcoming UN status upgrade vote despite Israel’s threat and scorn. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been calling on PA leaders to drop their bid for a status upgrade at the UN general assembly and resume peace talks without preconditions. While the PA says it’s pursuing the bid in order to access international institutions such as the ICC and gain political leverage in future peace talks with Israel, Israel has deemed it a unilateral step that would undermine the peace process and “produce unnecessary instability”.

The PA revealed on Friday 9 November that it expects 115 countries to vote in favor of the upgrade while 51 states are undecided and 27 member states with the leadership of the US and Israel are expected to vote against the upgrade. The PLO has circulated the draft resolution to all UN member countries except Israel in which it emphasized that the recognition is not a replacement for negotiations with Israel. The vote is expected to take place sometime during November where Palestine only needs a simple majority vote in the 193 member General Assembly to approve the upgrade.

However, the US is threatening to withdraw financial support to the PA and is together with Israel, lobbying other member states to vote against the Palestinian bid. The PLO has, however turned to European member states in which it has been appealing to socialist parties to garner support. Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath said on Thursday 8 November that the UK was putting pressure on the PLO to postpone the UN vote to allow the newly elected Obama administration to initiate a peace process, though British aid was not at risk if the PA goes ahead with the bid. The PLO has sent Palestinian delegations to several other European countries including Germany in an effort to win their vote at the General Assembly.

Meanwhile in the Jordan Valley, several villages received evacuation orders on 7 November where 1,000 Palestinians could be displaced to make way for an Israeli military exercise. While some of the villagers have been told they can return after two days, many fear that this is yet one of Israel’s systematized schemes to write Palestinians off of the Jordan Valley. Witnesses confirmed the presence of military equipment and an influx of forces in the region. Israeli authorities were not available for comment but the evacuation might be to accommodate the joint Israel-US military operation that started in late October when 3,500 US military personnel arrived in Israel in “the largest-ever ballistic missile defense exercise” between the two countries.

On a similar note, eviction orders were given to 40 families in Khibret Tana, a village in Area C, near Nablus on the same day, 7 November where the area would be turned to an Israeli military training zone. Israeli forces have also uprooted trees in Nahhalin village near Bethlehem, demolished three buildings and a water cistern in South Hebron Hills on the same day, international peace groups reported.

Also in the news this week was an Israeli incursion into southern Gaza on November 8 in what it called “routine activity adjacent to the security fence” in which a 13-year old boy was killed near Khan Younis. The 13-year old - Hamid Youns Abu Saqqa died due to gunshot wounds from Israeli artillery, medics said. The Israeli military penetration led to clashes with Palestinian armed members of the Popular Resistance Committees who engaged in a gun battle with the Israeli forces of four tanks and a bulldozer. Later on the same day, al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas said it placed a bomb near the Israeli military along the southern Gaza border as a retaliatory measure for the death of the 13-year old. The Israeli military spokeswoman said the explosive injured a soldier and damaged a vacant military vehicle.

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