Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Born 1965 in Al-Rameh, (Galilee). Schooling in Al-Rameh, Studied at Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Seminary, Jerusalem . In 1983 studied in the Theological faculty at University of Thessalonikia, Greece, where he was awarded M.A and Ph.D. degrees. In 1991 he was ordained priest in the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre), Jerusalem, and was made archimandrite by Patriarch Diodoros I of blessed memory, who put him in charge of the Arab section of the Patriarchate, and named him spokesman . He taught religious studies at Orthodox schools in Jerusalem and Ramleh, and the Arab College in Haifa he taught church history and Arab civilization for seven years . He established the Orthodox youth movement in the Holy Land, for which he serves as spiritual father. He was elected chairman of the committee to publish books in Arabic on religious studies for use in schools in Galilee and in Palestine . He oversaw broadcasts about the Orthodox faith on the voice of Palestine radio station. He is active in the local and International ecumenical movement, and participates in Muslim Christians dialogues.

Q. Father Dr. Attallah Hanna, it is very obvious that this campaign launched by Israel against you is as a result of your nationalistic views, and a continuation of their attempt to create a schism between Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Can you tell us more about this campaign, and which sides are involved in it?

A. This campaign has been launched against all nationalistic figures that call for the Palestinian right of return to their homeland. In fact, several nationalistic and religious figures were targeted in the past, as was the case with Sheikh Ikrama Sabri, the Mufti of Jerusalem for example.

The issue of my arrest is a grave indicator especially that it is the first time that a Christian religious leader and official is arrested in such an inhumane and non-acceptable manner that is devoid of all human ethics and without any prior notification. A few days prior to my arrest, unidentified individuals assaulted me as I was on my way to attend a meeting held at the Schmidt Girls' College in the old city of Jerusalem. In the past three months, a far-reaching defamation campaign was launched against me in a number of Israeli newspapers accusing me of supporting terrorism and violence and condoling suicide attacks. I have a strong conviction that the slander, assault and arrest are all part of a chain of accusations meant to deliver a message to me, and the rest of the Christian and Moslem religious leaders. In light of the tragic and critical conditions that our country is passing through with the continuation of the Israeli siege and policy of closure, especially after the September 11th attacks, and in light of the global events, it seems that the campaign solicits Israeli interest. The Israeli authority has launched a campaign aiming at silencing all those nationalistic voices in Jerusalem and claiming that these voices support terrorism, violence, etc. I believe that the only concerned party is the Israeli authority. In my case there could be some elements involved from within the Church itself, and this is something that I cannot disregard, especially that there are those who do not share my stance on issues pertaining to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The dimensions of this campaign are very serious as the campaign is a grave infringement on the rights of religious leaders in carrying out their spiritual and human responsibilities as well as on their right of mobility especially that the spiritual mission of the church in Jerusalem is not restricted to Palestine but goes beyond to several other Arab countries. We go beyond the borders set by Sykes Pico and maintain communication with several Arab countries. As to the case of the visit to Syria considered by Israel an enemy country, we say that we are not bound by the Israeli stance. The number of people who belong to the Greek Orthodox Church in Syria exceeds a million and the number in Lebanon exceeds half a million. Israel has no right of preventing us from visiting Syria and Lebanon under the claim that these are enemy countries especially that we maintain spiritual and nationalistic ties with these countries. When we visit these countries we meet with all political and religious officials with no exceptions whatsoever. We are open to everyone. Israel has no right of claiming that we maintain relations with terrorist organizations because what Israel calls terrorist maybe to us nationalistic, freedom fighters. We refuse to accept the terms that Israel dictates; therefore, what Israel condemns or what it elevates may not be necessarily as such to us.

We condemn terrorism and violence and that stems from our ethical and religious convictions and from our sense of belonging to a nation rich in culture and civilization. Therefore all oppressors should not disregard the fact that our region is the birthplace of inspiration, religions and civilizations.

Q. Israel has and continues to directly intervene into the Orthodox Church's affairs and succeeded in removing you from your position as the spokesperson for the Orthodox Church. What are your feelings towards Israel's interventions and what does it mean to arrest an Archimandrite in your position for investigation?

A. The ongoing attempts made by the Israeli occupation authorities at intruding in the affairs of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem date back to 1967 when Israel occupied Jerusalem. The Church has long resisted these attempts. When Patriarch Irinios was elected a year ago, pressure and blackmail continued to be exerted on him to make him give concessions to Israel in return for an official recognition by the Israeli government of him as Patriarch. Both Jordan and the Palestinian National Authority gave an official recognition immediately after his election a year ago. Israel has not given him recognition yet. Patriarch Irinios confided with me several months ago over the fact that Israelis have made attempts to secure demands from him in return for recognition. These demands maybe summarized in the following three points: first, that the Church take a neutral stance in the case of the negotiations on Jerusalem, second, all nationalistic voices be silenced and finally, the church surrender land and real estate belonging to it to Israel.

I believe that the act of ousting me from my position as the official spokesperson of the Church and the other measures taken are closely related to the pressure and blackmail exercised especially that the Patriarch confirmed to me months ago that I am targeted and that Israel has demanded that he oust me from my position. This is what actually happened later on based on the Israeli desire to conceal the Christian dimension of the Palestinian issue. Israel attempts to present this conflict as a Jewish-Moslem religious conflict, and it also attempts to neutralize the Christian position, and therefore it is irritated by the growing Christian voices raised on the Palestinian issue. We have always asserted that the Church in Palestine is there to serve all Palestinians for it is a church for the people. It is also a church that is deeply rooted in this land and the Arab Palestinian Christians and Moslems who live in it. We have always asserted our resistance to the Israeli pressure, and we believe that in the case of the arrest itself Israel has transgressed all borders.

Q. You are a man of God and a theologian, how do you explain the positions of some Western Churches, which support the Israeli occupation of Palestine on the basis of the Old Testament, branding Israelis as "the chosen people"?

A. It should be made known to everyone that Israel occupied this land with the Balfore 'promise' and not with God's promise, and there is much discrepancy between the Balfore 'promise' and God's promise. God according to our religious books does not admit occupation, oppression, humiliation and deprivation of human life.

The Zionist interpretation of the Holy Bible is faulty and disguises the truth and is considered a serious infringement on the spiritualities, the creeds and the essence of the Holy Bible. Zionism takes verses from the Holy Bible and interprets those verses according to its own purposes that justify occupation, aggression, tyranny and control over a land that it does not own. The Holy Bible is innocent of these false proclamations and deceitful interpretations. No one should believe that anyone who claims Christianity is a true Christian for there are in this world "false Christians" who do not belong to Christianity and its spirituality in any manner whatsoever. Therefore, all the wrongs committed by the West should not be tied to Christianity in any manner especially that there are Christian, atheist and anti-Christian movements all at work there. There is much discrepancy between saying the "Christian West" and Christianity of the West for the West is not all Christian.

These groups that claim Christianity but are in fact Zionist who support Israeli occupation, are tools used in the service of Zionism. They have taken the United States and other countries as their haven from which to infiltrate Christianity and vilify its creeds and its humane essence. We do not recognize these groups that are most often Protestant groups holding numerous names but with one sole aim which is the service of Zionism. The Greek Orthodox, Catholic and Arab Anglican churches spurn these intruding and suspicious groups.

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