Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Last week marked the three-year anniversary of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit’s captivity in the Gaza Strip. After the cross border raid on an Israeli army post by Hamas and other splinter groups, headlines of Shalit’s capture circulated through Western media declaring, “BREAKING NEWS: ISREALI SOLDIER KIDNAPPED.” Almost instantly, politicians across the world called for the release of Shalit, a reaffirming indication of the political ties between Israel and various Western powerhouses. Not surprisingly, no Western politician has ever called or pressured for the release of Palestinian prisoners―I’d be surprised if they could name a single one. Hypocritically, world leaders and public figures petition for the release of one POW (Prisoner of War), while Israel keeps thousands of Palestinians in custody without fair trial. These acts of war don’t make CNN headlines, not even one. Shalit did, and it’s just absurd.

Shalit, captured in combat, is a POW—not a civilian. He was, and still is, a soldier in the Israeli army who served with occupying troops along an “enemy entity border”―the Israeli government’s own words describing Gaza. As a combatant, he was subject to capture in a state of conflict, but politicians don’t remember these details when calling for Shalit’s release. Yet they immediately label many Palestinian prisoners as “terrorists,”―no questions asked.

While Hamas is accused of “violations of international law,” Israel has kidnapped and abducted thousands of Palestinians, many held for unknown and undeclared reasons, even to Israelis, under administrative detention. Hundreds of women and children are detained without trial. According to Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, there are 98 women and 346 children in Israeli prisons, as of February 2009. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some Palestinian prisoners have “blood on their hands” (as Israeli politicians love to say). These prisoners, a minority who target Israelis, are part of political groups and consider their tactics resistance. Over its 42-year occupation, Israel has stockpiled Palestinian prisoners like decks of cards, shuffling them in and out of prisons. Palestinians are captured in vicious manners, tortured, interrogated, and held with bias legal representation for years, and some even decades.

The actual number of Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli cells is impossible to calculate although estimates put this figure at 11,000, whereas Palestinians only hold the one infamous Shalit. That’s one―not one hundred, not even one thousand, but one. While there’s no contest here, the world remains blind to the difference in numbers. Western and Israeli politicians slyly turn their heads away from the hypocrisy, sympathizing only with Shalit and never a Palestinian. Haaretz, Israel’s “liberal” newspaper, has a clock on their website counting the days of Shalit’s captivity― currently 1,109 days and counting. One couldn’t put a timer on the captivity of Palestinians, because there are just too many lives to count.

The western media campaign calling for Shalit’s release is undeniably one-sided. Shalit’s father, Noam Shalit, has become a public figure in his own right, pleading with politicians to help release his son. He has met with various world-renowned leaders, each offering sympathy in the hope of bringing Shalit back. Unlike Noam Shalit, Palestinian fathers don’t have the luxury to travel to Europe asking politicians to help free their sons and daughters because a military occupation still exists. When Palestinians are abducted in the middle of the night, we barely even hear a whisper about it from Western news sources. Occasionally, Haaretz will flash a news feed about a certain number of “wanted” Palestinians detained in an overnight raid, but only if they decide it newsworthy. And of course, we usually don’t because most Israeli operations remain in secrecy.

I wish to see the day that all Palestinian prisoners and Gilad Shalit are freed. Palestinian negotiators have repeatedly given Israel list after list of prisoners they want freed, and all requests have been rejected. It seems Israel’s government doesn’t care about Shalit, because if they truly did, the government would have immediately negotiated a prisoner swap in 2006. Instead, the Israeli army started wreaking havoc on Gaza with a military operation intended to “rescue” Shalit, which failed―miserably. If they want the process to move forward, Western politicians should demand Shalit’s release and the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. Israel must take a seat at the negotiating table and Western politicians must push for this. Otherwise, Shalit is going nowhere.

Iyad Romel is a Writer for the Media and Information Program at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). He can be contacted at mip@miftah.org.

By the Same Author
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