Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On Monday October 5th I participated in a peaceful demonstration in Ramallah in response to the Palestinian leadership's hand in deferring consideration of the Goldstone Report until March of next year. I joined the march near the clock circle as it headed for Al Manara, and wound my way with them through the streets of Ramallah. The demonstrators held posters saying the delay of the report, “insults the blood of the martyrs and wounds the people.” They were calling primarily for two things – accountability and justice, which have always evaded Palestine, and which must be delivered no matter what, despite deferral of the Goldstone Report.

I went to the demonstration to observe, but also to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, especially the people of Gaza who it seems the whole world has so quickly and easily forgotten. I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility as an American to show my solidarity because I know very well what my government contributes to this conflict – billions of dollars in funding and weaponry, but most of all, impunity for Israel in the crimes it carries out against the Palestinian people.

Perhaps more than any other avenue, international and human rights law provide a framework through which accountability can be achieved. Indeed this was the very purpose of the fact-finding mission to Gaza. It was no surprise however, that Israel would reject the Goldstone Report, and it was completely predictable they would spin the report as one-sided and totally biased, despite the impeccable reputation of South African Jurist Richard Goldstone, whose daughter describes him as a “Zionist” who “loves Israel.”

It was also fairly safe to assume that the U.S. would back Israel’s rejection of the plan. In fact U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice was quick to prove this assumption when she called the Goldstone Report “unbalanced” “one-sided” and “unacceptable,” very much echoing the Israeli spin on the report. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even went so far as to say that support for the report would undermine the peace process itself.

Further, U.S. President Barack Obama seems to agree with Netanyahu. There appears to be a general consensus coming from the Obama Administration that we shouldn’t look to the past, but rather focus on the future and get back to negotiations. Perhaps then it was inevitable that the PA would succumb to the immense political pressure of the U.S. and Israel and shelve the Goldstone Report for the sake of “peace.”

Yet it must be asked, how can we strive for peace while forsaking the pursuit of justice? Any honest assessment of the peace process would need to acknowledge that peace talks and negotiations have done very little in delivering justice to the Palestinian people. The Oslo process was a great example of this failure. While negotiations were being carried out, Israel continued construction of the separation wall, built more settlements, and further entrenched the occupation and system of Apartheid here. The fundamental problem with the current framework for the peace process is that there is no mechanism in place to stop Israel from doing this.

This leads me to ask, what kind of peace are the Obama Administration, Israel and the PA seeking? Moreover, what kind of peace can come from a process that denies justice and allows Israel to escape accountability for its actions? If anything is unbalanced, one-sided, and unacceptable it is the peace process itself, and the Obama Administration has missed an historical opportunity to break away from business-as-usual when it comes to Palestine by not incorporating the Goldstone Report into its peace efforts.

The people who came out to protest on Monday were expressing their anger at their own leadership for deferring the Goldstone Report. Yet there is no denying that were it not for existing power structures that constantly grant Israel impunity, even when obvious crimes are committed, the PA would not have been put in a position to defer the report.

Still, I couldn’t help but wonder what difference this tiny demonstration could make. The Palestinian people are frustrated and angry, and I am angry for them; they have been let down once again. The Goldstone Report has been effectively neutralized, at least for the time being, and Israel is surely reveling in this victory. But what about the will of the Palestinian people, particularly the Gazans who are still living with the dire consequences and devastation of Operation Cast Lead? Who will speak for them now? What is the next step?

I of course don’t have an answer, and it may not be a question for me to answer anyhow. As long as Israel is granted impunity from the U.S. I see little hope that justice can or will be done in Palestine. As deferral of the Goldstone Report demonstrates, influential powers capable of enforcing international and human rights law currently lack the will to actually hold Israel accountable for its crimes.

Thus I must conclude that a new approach is needed – a complete and total revolution in the way peace is sought here, one that uses a framework of accountability. Israel must be made to realize there is a price to pay for the way it behaves and its lack of genuine commitment to finding peace, which would require it to make some true concessions, something Israel avoids at all costs.

On that note, it is now very obvious that Palestinians cannot rely solely on governmental bodies, negotiations, or apparently international law to accomplish this. There needs to be a transformation of the power structures that leave the enforcement of international law just out of reach for Palestinians. Until this happens, recommendations such as the Goldstone Report will remain just that, out of reach.

Britain Eakin is a Writer for the Media and Information Program at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). She can be contacted at mip@miftah.org.

By the Same Author
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