Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On the day of 9th of April 2002, Valantina participated in a peaceful demonstration to get food and medical aid to the city of Jenin.As soon as they arrived to the scene, they were opposed by Israeli anti Arab demonstrators who were trying to prevent the aid to get into Jenin. Only a few minutes passed when an Israeli soldier joined the anti Arab scene and started shooting ...where a bullet hit Valantina in her arm and resulted in a total destruction of her left elbow.She been in treatment since then and had 4 surgeries until now and still there is no actual progress in the treatment of her elbow.

Consequently, Valantina's injury affected her daily life and activities forcing her into a life with limitations and the sorrow of irreversible body changes.Valantina's injury to her elbow caused by live ammunition resulted in total destruction of her elbow. Bones, ligaments and part of the muscles that normally allow a person to move the arm... were destroyed. This destruction was considered by doctors to be irreversible with a permanent loss of free movement to her arm.

The injury to Valantina's elbow brought her the agony of becoming dependent, frustrated from not being able to hug her 2 year old son or carry him or put in bed. She spent many sleepless nights thinking of what she can do to cope with the irreversible condition imposed by a gun shot. Being shot at, was a possibility that she had never considered before, let alone the agony of her new handicap.

In order to obtain minimal recovery of the arm's use, Valantina needs to undergo an elbow transplant operation. Replacement of the elbow by an artificial one is a very rare operation that is not commonly done especially to young people. Due to the rare occurrence of total elbow injuries, it's replacement by a prosthetic one is not very well mastered by orthopedics in the Middle East.

Many friends, politicians, artists and humanitarians initiated a campaign whereby financial and psychological support were given to Valantina, in order to help her adjust and live with the new handicap and the limitations. The help and support of many friends and humanity activists, allowed Valantina and her children to cope with the devastating effects of the injury and the long periods spent in hospital.

Valantina needs to travel to the UK in order to get an elbow transplant as soon as possible. The surgery was recommended by orthopedics to help offer Valantina partial free movement of her elbow. However, the cost of the surgery is beyond the financial capabilities of Valantina's family especially within the growing economical stagnation among the Palestinians.

It is within this context that your support to help Valantina resume her acting career in support of the Palestinian cause is highly appreciated and treasured.

Contact details:
Valantina, Tel:+972 4 8333516, Fax +972 4 8314002 , email: romel@as-safir.com

For further information and pictures click here

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