Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

FFIPP, the Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, is a network of university faculty endeavoring to achieve peace in the Middle East.

FFIPP is organized by the Coordinating Committee and the Advisory Board. A large number of faculty supports the network as Endorsers.

What do we stand for?

Peaceful coexistence between Israel and Palestine is the resolution to their conflict supported by virtually all interested parties. Future cooperation between the two states and the enormous resulting regional benefits expected, make the pursuit of such a goal imperative.

We have no doubt that it is possible to reach such a brighter future, and we strongly believe that actions and policies moving in that direction are not only crucially needed, but that they can and must be pursued NOW.

We strongly believe that no peace and no justice can be achieved without Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories, and that anybody truly and honestly favoring peaceful coexistence must support such withdrawal.

Furthermore, we are certain that any delay in beginning this process will result in increasing suffering and loss of human life. We, therefore, urge all faculty, and others, who care about the two peoples and the Middle East to support such efforts.

The bias of a large part of the U.S. media reinforces the call for faculty to take part in educating the public about the unfolding situation.

The sharp escalation of violence since late March, makes all the above even more urgent, and it appears that without international, including faculty, involvement, stabilization is unlikely.

Our goal

The goal of the faculty network is a just peace in Israel, and Palestine.

Our objectives

The objectives of FFIPP are these:

* To build an effective faculty network that will influence U.S. policy in the region, and, indirectly, Israel's policy, towards making those policies more conducive to reaching a just peace;

* To influence policy and opinion makers and others to implement policies to stop the violence;

* To cooperate with those who work for a just peace and assist Palestinian and Israeli faculty.

We urge any US members in academia to join FFIPP and the delegation it has organized to go to Palestine/Israel at the end of December. A tremendous effort has gone to organizing this trip and, we believe, the larger the delegation the more impact our objectives and goals will have on the dire situation in the Middle East.

To join please contact FFIPP:

Telephone: (443) 644-0652
Fax: (443) 644-0652
Postal address: FFIPP,1563 Solano Avenue #294, Berkeley, CA 94707, USA
Electronic mail
General Information: info@ffipp.org
Webmaster: webmaster@ffipp.org

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

Mailing address:
P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
972-2-298 9492

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