Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israeli forces gave order to demolish homes in the center of Hebron, on behalf of a settler road.

NB: It did not yet happen, so a worldwide alarming campaign has still a chance!

In the month which the house owners have to appeal the demolition order your letter to your paper and/or your email, fax or phone to the Israeli and/or American embassies in your country may still make a difference. We suggest emphasizing that:

"This Hebron settler road for which the heart of Hebron - including at least 15 Palestinian homes -is to be flattened by bulldozers, destroying also the chances of President Bush's so- called "road-map for a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."


Hebron: 2 December, 2002 (IAP News)

The Israeli occupation army is planning to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes in the heart of Hebron in an effort to push more Palestinians to leave the town's old quarter, Israeli press sources reported Monday.

The sources said in the initial stage, the army would demolish as many as 15 Palestinian homes located between the Ibrahimi Mosque and Kiryat Arba'a.

The Jerusalem Post said on its webpage (www.jpost.com) that the purpose of the wholesale demolitions was to assure a safe passage for Jewish settlers between Kiryat Arba'a and the small Jewish enclave in Hebron.

Palestinian leaders in the city described the planned destruction of homes as "a demographic massacre."

"We are telling the world that Israel is practicing ethnic cleansing in its ugliest form...What the Serbs did in Bosnia, Israel is doing in Hebron. Ethnic cleansing is wrong, the world must condemn it and stop it immediately," said Yousef Ja'abari, a proprietor of one of the homes slated for demolition.

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