Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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For the last 48 hours, the Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC), medical facilities are in state of top emergency in the northern governorate of Gaza Strip.

The medical teams are working continuously to cope with the increasing number of causalities, due to a massive incursion of Israeli forces to the northern governorate, especially Jabalia.

Israeli tanks, helicopters, and other military forces are attacking the area through four main sectors. Israeli forces are demolishing houses, destroying infrastructure and bulldozing trees at the same time they snipe at every moving target, disregarding whether it is a child, women, old man or a youth.

The chicken farms and different animal farms had their share in destruction. A chicken farm at Abed Rabuh Quarter in Jabalia has been completely bulldozed at this morning.

Al–Awda Hospital received till this moment 42 injured people, 17 of them are under 15 years old, 8 women, in addition to 8 martyrs (most of the injuries are due to explosive bullets). Another governmental hospital in the same area has received tens of causalities also.

UHWC, Al-Quds Medical Center in Beit Hanoun has been working 24 hours a day to cover the expected increasing number of casualties and to offer other medical emergencies because Beit Hanoun has been isolated from the rest of Gaza Strip.

Al-Assria (Al-Luhiedan) Medical Center in Jabalia Refugee Camp is now in the middle of battle with Israeli tanks and snipers just 50 meters away from the center. All the other health and community activities of Al-Luhiedan Community Health Center have been halted as it works as a first front medical aid center.

The first aid medical teams and the ambulance service of the UHWC (138 volunteers, men and women) are working day and night to rescue and evacuate the injured people and offer highly needed medical and food supplies.

UHWC teams call all international and human rights organizations, the Red Cross, and United Nations, and all those who are seeking just peace in the area to urgently interfere to stop this massacre against the Palestinian people. At the same time we need pressure on the Israeli government to stop its harassment of the medical teams and civilians.

For more information, please contact Dr. Sayed Ajadbah, Executive Director, Union of Health Work Committees - Gaza.

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

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P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
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