Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip during June 15-18, 2006. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is 3%.

(1) National Conciliation Document:

  • Findings show that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians (74%) supports the national conciliation document, also known as the prisoners’ document, as one package and 23% oppose it
  • Support for the main items of the document ranges between 62% and 85% and opposition ranges between 13% and 34%, as follows:
    1. 85%support the goal of the Palestinian people is to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital in all areas occupied in 1967, to guarantee the right of return, and to release all prisoners, all in accordance with international legitimacy, while 14% oppose it.
    2. 85% support a new PLO National Council should be established before the end of 2006 whereby all factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, would be represented in accordance with proportional representation, while 13% oppose it.
    3. 85% support a national unity government should be established with the participation of all factions especially Fateh and Hamas on the basis on the National Conciliation Document and on the basis of a joint program, while 13% oppose it.
    4. 73% support that the Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation by all means but resistance should be concentrated in the lands occupied since 1967 and negotiations and popular resistance should continue, while 24% oppose it.
    5. 70% support a national consensus program should be formulated on the basis of international and Arab legitimacy, while 26% oppose it.
    6. 69% support that the PLO is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people wherever they are located, while 28% oppose it.
    7. 62% support that negotiations with Israel is the responsibility of the PLO and the president of the PA and agreements reached should be submitted to a vote in the PLO National Council or to a referendum, while 34% oppose it.

(2) Referendum:

  • Support for the conduct of a referendum on the prisoners’ document reaches 53% and opposition 43%.
  • Despite the overwhelming support for the prisoners’ document, If the referendum is to take place today, only 47% would vote in favor of it and 44% would vote against it. 9% remain undecided.
  • A majority of 56% agrees that PA president Mahmud Abbas has the right to call for a referendum on the prisoners’ document and 38% do not agree.
  • If Hamas called for a boycott of the referendum, 44% would boycott it and 50% would participate in it.
  • If the referendum was conducted and a majority approved the document, 67% believe that the Hamas government would still reject the document and 23% believe it would accept it.
  • If the Hamas government rejects the document after a majority voted in favor of it in the referendum, 65% would support the taking of steps against it such as reducing its powers and jurisdiction (17%), dismissal of the government and the formation of an emergency government (14%), or the dismissal of government and the dissolution of the parliament and the holding of new elections (33%)
  • If the referendum was conducted and a majority rejected the document, 60% believe that PA president and Fateh would not accept Hamas’ program and would not form a national unity government based on that program, but 31% believe they would do so.
  • If PA president and Fateh refuse to form a national unity government based on Hamas’ program after a majority rejected the prisoners’ document in the referendum, 61% would in this case support either the reduction of the powers and responsibilities of the president (22%) or his resignation (39%).

(3) Voting Intentions for Fateh and Hamas in new elections:

  • About five months after the parliamentary elections, the gap between Fateh and Hamas narrows to zero. If new elections are held today Fateh’s list would receive the support of 39%, Change and Reform 39%, and all other lists 9%. 13% remain undecided. Three months ago, the gap between Fateh and Hamas stood at 8 percentage points in favor of Hamas with 47% voting for Change and Reform and 39% for Fateh.

This PSR survey was conducted with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ramallah.

By the Same Author
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