Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


Three Palestinian factions carried out a military operation against the Israeli soldiers in Karm Abu Salem near the Gaza Strip which resulted in taking an Israeli soldier as a prisoner of war and in killing another number of them. Following the operation Israel launched its military attacks on the Gaza Strip under the pretext of freeing the soldier. Several Arab and international parties tried to mediate in favor of freeing the Israeli soldier with no avail. The Palestinian factions holding the Israeli soldier avowed that they will not release their prisoner unless Israel agrees on a swap that would free, in return, Palestinian children, women and prisoners who spent a long term in the Israeli jails. Israel refused to negotiate and continued its aggression on the Gaza Strip and arrested a number of Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) members and ministers.

On the other side of the scene, Hezbullah announced taking two Israeli prisoners of war and demanded a swap with Lebanese, Arab, and Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails; Israel rejected Hezbullah's initiative and waged war against Lebanon.

Under the above circumstances several Arab and international reactions were issued; some condemned Israel and others held Hezbullah responsible for the escalation that led to the present crisis. What is really noteworthy is what the secretary of the Arab League has said following the meeting of the Arab foreign ministers; the secretary announced the Middle East peace process dead and said that it has been decided that the case be referred to the United Nations.

The Results

Following are the results of the 22nd Palestinian Public Opinion Poll conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University during the period from July 19 to 21, 2006. The University sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.

This poll undertakes the opinion of Palestinian public concerning the new political realities and particularly the war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon and the position of the Arab countries towards this crisis. In addition the poll evaluates the performance of Palestinian private and public institutions.

The sample included 1360 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 800 persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about ±3%; still 3.4% of the members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.

The General Results:

  • 61.1% from among respondents are pessimistic towards the general Palestinian conditions at this stage.
  • 87.7 % from among respondents do not feel safe neither for themselves nor for their families and properties under the present circumstances.
  • 76% from among respondents say that their economic situation under the current circumstances is deteriorating.
  • The positions of the following countries toward the Israeli attacks on Gaza is assessed as 'good' by respondents with the following percentages:
    • 13.9% Egypt
    • 9.2% Jordan
    • 14% Arab countries
    • 15.7% the European Union
    • 4.6% the United States
    • 25% Russia
    • 48.4% Arab Nations
    • 36.5% European Nations
  • The treatment of the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip by the following Palestinian parties is assessed as 'good' with the indicated percentages:
    • 64.4% the Palestinian Presidency
    • 55.5% the Palestinian Government
  • The positions of the following countries towards the Israeli attacks on Lebanon is assessed as 'good' by respondents with the following percentages:
    • 12.1% Egypt
    • 9% Saudi Arabia
    • 9.2% Jordan
    • % 69.3Syria
    • 53.9% Arab nations
  • 89.6% from among respondents assess their attitudes towards the Lebanese people with all their affiliations as 'good'
  • 96.3% from among respondents assess their attitudes towards Hezbullah as 'good'.
  • 85.2% from among respondents reject a suggestion made by Arab and international parties to free the Israeli soldier immediately provided that Israel releases an undefined number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails at a later time without offering any commitment to indicate the number of prisoners that Israel intends to free nor the date of freeing them.
  • 90.9% from among respondents support the demands of the Palestinian factions who hold the Israeli soldier to free him only after a swap deal is concluded with the Israeli Government in which a certain number of Palestinian prisoners will be released within a definite time frame.
  • 70.9% from among the respondents support entrusting President Abbas with negotiation to free Palestinian prisoners in return for freeing the Israeli soldier.
  • 38.2% from among respondents say that Israel's offer to negotiate with the Palestinian President and not with Hamas to conclude a deal to swap the Israeli soldier with Palestinian prisoners is a reasonable one.
  • 51.5% from among respondents reject an Egyptian mediation to solve the problem of the Israeli soldiers.
  • 66.3% from among respondents support attaching the case of the soldier held in Gaza with the case of the two prisoners held by Hezbullah provided that Hezbullah only negotiates the case of the three soldiers.
  • 26.5% from among respondents say that attaching the case of the Israeli soldier held with the Palestinians with those held with Hezbullah may negatively influence the independent Palestinian decision in other political issues.
  • 32.9% from among respondents believe that exiting the present political impasse requires dissolving the Palestinian Authority; 49.63% believe that exiting the present impasse requires going to the negotiation table.
  • 39.4% from among respondents say that after signing the Prisoners' Document, the Palestinian factions will remain committed to its items; 26.8% say that they will only comply with those items that serve their party interests.
  • 89.5% from among respondents support forming a coalition government that would include all the parliamentary blocs of the PLC.
  • 69.9% from among respondents support limiting military operations against Israel within the 1967 borders alongside with political negotiations.
  • 57.1% from among respondents consider the PLO the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
  • 12.1% from among respondents believe that the peace process between Palestinian and Israelis is still viable
  • Respondents assess the performance of the Palestinian institutions as follows:
    • 60.1% the Palestinian Presidency
    • 56.1% the Palestinian Government
    • 53.7% the PLC
    • 39.7% the Judicial System
    • 31.5% the Office of Financial and Administrative Supervision
    • 41.1% the Security Apparatuses
    • 58% the Palestinian Factions
    • 62.2% the Private Organizations
    • 75.8% the Palestinian Universities
    • 61.4% the Municipalities and Local Councils
    • 65.3% the Ministry of Health
    • 60.7% the Ministry of Social Affairs
    • 75.2% the Ministry of Education and Higher Education
    • 41.1% the Ministry of Finance
    • 58.5% the Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs
  • As for political affiliation respondents give the following results:

    People’s Party1.2%
    Democratic Front1.6%
    Islamic Jihad3.7%
    Popular Front4.1%
    Palestinian National Initiative0.6%
    I am an independent nationalist5.7%
    I am an independent Islamist3.6%
    None of the above19.1%

To View the Full Result as PDF (570 KB)

By the Same Author
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