Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


More than anything, this poll measures the impact of the latest attacks on Gaza on Palestinians’ views. Field work began the day after the Al Zaytoun attack in Gaza City that led to the killing of 15 Palestinians. The field work took place between 16 -18th of January, as the attacks on Gaza continued. During the period of 15-18th January, 35 Palestinians were killed and 125 injured. In fact, on two occasions the lives of our field researchers were threatened, as missiles were fired in close proximity to their work stations. These attacks came immediately after United States President Bush, visited the region and met with Palestinian and Israeli officials. The situation on the ground led to major shifts in public opinion, confirming the hypothesis that military approaches and violence reinforce hard-line positions, and negatively influence the lot of all parties involved, especially the credibility of the president of the PNA and his government.

The following examples are illustrative:

  • Support for the outcome of Annapolis to start negotiations and reach an agreement by the end of 2008 declined from 49% to 27%.
  • Support for firing rockets from Gaza into Israeli territories increased from 27% (December 6-8, 2007) to 48% now; in Gaza, the support went from 28% to 53% in the same time period.
  • Support for Fateh in Gaza declined by 12 points, from 43% last November to 32% now
  • Overall support for Hamas increased slightly.
  • The negative evaluation of the ministerial cabinet, headed by Ismael Hanneyeh, went down by 11 points
  • Support for Abbas declined by 5 points, while support for Hanneyeh increased by 6 points; in Gaza support for Hanneyeh increased by 10 points compared with a November 2007 AWRAD poll.

One: Highlights

  • 64% do not think that the current negotiations will lead to a Palestinian state.
  • 49% support a two-state solution based on UN Resolution 242 (a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza side-by-side to an Israeli state)
  • 95% say that the issue of control over Jerusalem is very important, and 94% say that the issue of prisoner release is very important.
  • 42% believe that negotiation until an agreement is reached between the two parties is the best means to end the occupation and establish a Palestinian state.
  • Less than 4% support attacks against Israeli civilians as the best means to end occupation. However, 28% support attacks against soldiers and settlers.
  • 70% of respondents followed (fully or partially) the news on the Bush visit to the region.
  • 62% believe that Bush’s positions conform to previous American policy.
  • 74% believe that Bush's visit will not give any hope to the establishment of a Palestinian state. 82% believe that it will not put a stop to Israeli settlement activities.
  • 65% believe that Bush's visit will reinforce the Israeli occupation and 78% believe that it will tighten the closure on Gaza.
  • 48% support the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israeli territories.
  • 46% support the steps taken by Mahmoud Abbas towards ending the occupation.
  • 31% evaluate the ministerial cabinet headed by Fayyad and Hanneyeh as good.
  • 62% say that Hamas has no real alternative to end the Israeli occupation, and 56% say that Fateh has no real alternative to end the Israeli occupation.
  • 64% of respondents think that Palestinian society is heading in the wrong direction.
  • If PLC elections took place today, Fateh would receive 32% of the votes and Hamas would receive 18%.
  • In a two-way race, anyone of the following personalities (Marwan Bargouthi, Abbas, Mustafa Bargouthi, and Fayyad) could win over Ismael Hanneyeh.
  • In a two-way race between Marwan Bargouthi and Abbas, Marwan receives 43% of the vote, while Abbas receives 21%.
  • In a two-way race between Marwan Bargouthi and Hanneyeh, Marwan receives 45%, while Hanneyeh receives 24%.

To View the Full Result as PDF (132 KB)

By the Same Author
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