Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


After the Egyptian preparations and the intensive communications with the Palestinian factions to hold a conference for reconciliation in Cairo, and after even sending out invitations to all Palestinian factions and other independent personalities to attend the conference, Hamas and other Palestinian factions declared their boycotting of the conference. Hamas submitted a group of requests and conditions and asked for executing them before the conference convenes. Such conditions aborted the Egyptian efforts and the efforts to hold the conference failed.

The Palestinian political arena is still divided between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; the division is even intensified by the war of words between the two sides.

As for the truce (hudna) in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and the Israeli Government, several evasions occurred. The Israeli Army penetrated some border line areas in the Strip and some Palestinian factions responded by firing rockets against Israel.

The Results

Following are the results of the Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 36 conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University during the period from 20-22 November 2008. The University sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 36 undertakes the current political realities including the failure of all efforts to hold a conference for Palestinian reconciliation in Cairo, the possibility of holding presidential and PLC elections, the truce between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the possibility of sending Arab troops to the West and the Gaza Strip in addition to political affiliations and other issues.

The sample included 1865 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 865 persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about ±3%; still 3.8% of the members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.

The General Results:

  • 61.8% of respondents believed that Hamas, from among Palestinians, is responsible for the failure of the intended conference of the Palestinian factions in Cairo; 22.2% believed that Fateh is the responsible faction. .
  • 75.3% of respondents believed that there are countries who worked to abort the call for the conference in Cairo.
  • 28.4% of respondents believed that the USA was working to abort the Cairo conference, 27.6% believed it was Israel who worked against the Cairo conference; 20.1% believed it was Iran.
  • 38.9% of respondents believed that Hamas was really concerned with a successful dialogue in Cairo; 51.4% believed the contrary.
  • 59.6% of respondents believed that Fateh was really concerned with a successful dialogue in Cairo; 31.3% believed the contrary.
  • 62.3% of respondents believed that the Palestinian Presidency was really concerned with a successful dialogue in Cairo, 30.2% believed the contrary.
  • 61.3% of respondents rejected the boycotting of Hamas to the Cairo Conference
  • 48.4% of respondents believed that there is a serious intent among all parties of the crisis to end the current Palestinian division.
  • 63.3% of respondents believed that the Palestinian leaderships are capable of ending the current Palestinian division.
  • 65% of respondents believed that the Palestinian people are ready to make a national reconciliation succeed.
  • 51.7% of respondents believed that it is possible to conduct democratic elections under the current circumstances.
  • 59.6% of respondents supported dissolving the PLC; 30.8% rejected.
  • 43.3% of respondents supported conducting presidential elections at the end of the current President's term; 53.2% rejected
  • 45.1% of respondents supported continuing negotiations under their present conditions between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.
  • 21.5% of respondents believed that the present PLC members are performing their duties as required of them.
  • 44.2% of respondents supported allowing Arab troops to enter the Gaza Strip.
  • 50.4% of respondents supported the position of Palestinian factions who oppose allowing Arab troops to enter the West Bank.
  • 32.5% of respondents supported allowing Arab troops to enter the West Bank.
  • 29.9% of respondents supported allowing Arab troops to enter the West Bank and the Gaza Strip simultaneously.
  • 63.6% of respondents believed that Hamas is concerned with extending the truce (hudna) agreement with Israel once it expires.
  • 40.3% of respondents believed that Israel is the prime beneficiary from the truce in the Gaza Strip; 26.4% believed that Hamas is the prime one.
  • 40.8% of respondents believed that if Hamas accepts a truce with Israel, their acceptance would mean a retreat from the armed struggle option.
  • 39.9% of respondents believed that the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip accepted willingly the truce that Hamas declared.
  • 49.7% of respondents believed that the truce between Hamas and Israel is an introduction to direct negotiations on the future of the Gaza Strip
  • 36.3% of respondents believed that the negotiations that President Mahmoud Abbas conducts will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories.
  • 32.1% of respondents believed that Palestinian resistance in its present shape will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories.
  • 61.7% of respondents assessed the performance of the Palestinian Presidency at the present time as "good".
  • Regardless of legitimacy or illegitimacy, 57.9% of respondent supported the general policy of the care-taker government of Salam Fayyad.
  • Regardless of legitimacy or illegitimacy, 28.8% of respondents supported the general policy of the dissolved government of Ismael Haniyeh.
  • 58.9% of respondents assessed the performance of the care-taker government of Salam Fayyad as "good".
  • 29.2% of respondents assessed the performance of the dissolved government of Ismael Haniyeh as "good".
  • 80.2% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming presidential elections. From among those who said they will participate, 39.1% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidate; 16.7% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidate.
  • 80.6% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming legislative elections. From among those who said they will participate, 38.9% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidates; 17.9% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidates.
  • If PLC elections are to be conducted, 46.7% of respondents expected the winning of Fateh movement; 18.2% expected the winning of Hamas.
  • 77.1% of respondents supported the formation of a transitional government whose aim will be to prepare for and supervise Presidential and PLC elections
  • 61.2% of respondents believed that the Palestinian security forces are capable of imposing order and the rule of law on the areas in which they were redeployed.
  • 69.4% of respondents supported the notion that Palestinian arms must only be in the hands of the Palestinian security apparatuses.
  • 54.3% of respondents expressed fear for their lives under the present circumstances.
  • 37.3% of respondents said that the current security, political and economic conditions will drive them to emigrate.
  • 60.3% of respondents said that they are pessimistic of the general Palestinian situation at this stage.
  • 78.3% of respondents said that they neither feel safe for themselves nor for their families and properties under the current circumstances.
  • As for political affiliation respondents gave the following results:

    People’s Party1.0%
    Democratic Front0.7%
    Islamic Jihad4.1%
    Popular Front3.5%
    Palestinian National Initiative0.9%
    I am an independent nationalist6.0%
    I am an independent Islamist3.2%
    None of the above26.2%

To View the Full Result as PDF (116 KB)

By the Same Author
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