Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


Despite the rounds of dialogue held in Cairo, the Palestinian split still persists. The new reality that emerged in the last two rounds is that the dialogue is transformed into a bilateral debate between Fateh and Hamas irritating the other Palestinian factions and independent personalities who participated in the previous dialogues and issued separate statements explaining their opinions and visions.

On the other side of the scene, the truce on the Gaza Strip borders is still holding and Hamas is preserving it. In the West Bank, negotiations between Palestinians and the Israelis came to a halt after the formation of the new Israeli government. More than one Palestinian official declared that negotiation with Israel will not resume unless Israel declares a complete cessation of all its settlement activities.

On the Palestinian side, Hamas still accuses the Palestinian government of arresting its supporters and advocates; Fateh also accuses the resigned government in the Gaza Strip of hunting down its supporters in the Strip.

The Results

Following are the results of the Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 38 conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University during the period from 16-18 July 2009. The University sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 38 undertakes the new political realities such as the Cairo dialogue, the national reconciliation, the performance of the governments of Salam Fayyad and Ismail Haniyeh in addition to political affiliations and other issues.

The sample included 1360 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 860 persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about ±3%; still 3.6% of the members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.

The General Results:

  • 80% of respondents supported the formation of a national unity government to end the political division and to prepare for legislative and presidential elections.
  • 52.5% of respondents supported the formation of a committee substituting a national unity government and representing all Palestinian factions. Such committee will be entrusted with coordination between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; 37.1rejected.
  • 65.3% of respondents rejected limiting the Cairo dialogue to the representatives of Fateh and Hamas; 25.3% supported.
  • 73.8% of respondents supported the participation of national independent Palestinian personalities in the Cairo dialogue. 63.9% of respondents saw that the participation of national independent personalities in the Cairo dialogue will positively influence the dialogue; 18.8% saw that it will have a negative influence.
  • 31.4% of respondents believed that the coming round of dialogue at the end of July will lead to the signing of a reconciliation agreement; 53% believed the contrary
  • 39.7% of respondents believed that the parties involved in the dialogue, particularly Fateh and Hamas, are concerned with putting an end to the division; 49% believed the contrary.
  • 35.7% of respondents believed that there are positive signs that the Cairo dialogue will succeed.
  • 40.1% of respondents believed that the parties of the dialogue in Cairo have the intention to make the dialogue succeed; 50.3% believed the contrary.
  • 40% of respondents believed that the discoursing parties in Cairo have a genuine intention to end the division
  • 65.6% of respondents said that the success of the Cairo dialogue will have a positive influence on them personally; 6% said it will have a negative influence on them.
  • 38.8% of respondents believed that the discoursing parties in Cairo aim at serving the interests of their parties and movements, 27.6% believed that they aim at serving their personal interests, and 27.7 believed that they aim at serving the interests of the Palestinian people.
  • 74.6% of respondents supported the participation of a group of independent Palestinian personalities in the Cairo dialogue.
  • 55.9% of respondents assessed the participation of a group of independent Palestinian personalities in the Cairo dialogue as “good”; 24.9% assessed it as “bad”.
  • 28.9% of respondents saw that the participation of a group of independent Palestinian personalities in the Cairo dialogue serves the personal interests of these personalities, 6.3% saw that it serves the interests of Fateh movement, 1.5% saw that it serves the interest of Hamas movement, and 52.1% saw that it serves the general Palestinian cause.
  • 78.7% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming presidential elections. From among those who said they will participate, 34% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidate; 15.1% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidate.
  • 79% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming legislative elections. From among those who said they will participate, 36.7% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidates; 15.8% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidates.
  • If PLC elections are to be conducted, 39.3% of respondents expected the winning of Fateh movement; 17.9% expected the winning of Hamas.
  • 78.7% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming presidential elections. From among those who said they will participate, 67.5% said they will vote for Mahmoud Abbas and 21.4% said they will vote for Ismail Haniyeh.
  • 52.6% of respondents said that Mahmoud Abbas is the one most capable of managing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; 22.1% said that Ismail Haniyeh is the one.
  • 44.8% of respondents saw that the government of Salam Fayyad is the most capable of managing the Palestinian internal affairs; 24% saw that the government of Ismail Haniyeh is the most capable.
  • 48.8% of respondents assessed the performance of the government of Salam Fayyad as “good”
  • 32.4% of respondents assessed the performance of the government of Ismail Haniyeh as “good”
  • 64.6% of respondents believed that Hamas movement assaults Fateh activists in the Gaza Strip.
  • 64.2% of respondents believed that the Palestinian Authority arrests Hamas activists in the West Bank.
  • 52.4% of respondents expressed fear for their lives under the present circumstances.
  • 60.7% of respondents said that they are pessimistic of the general Palestinian situation at this stage.
  • 60.3% of respondents said that they neither feel safe for themselves nor for their families and properties under the current circumstances.
  • As for political affiliation respondents gave the following results:

    People’s Party1.3%
    Democratic Front0.7%
    Islamic Jihad2.1%
    Popular Front3.0%
    Palestinian National Initiative0.9%
    I am an independent nationalist8.1%
    I am an independent Islamist4.9%
    None of the above29.3%

To View the Full Result as PDF (96 KB)

By the Same Author
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