Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


In view of deferring action on the report compiled by Richard Goldstone regarding war on the Gaza Strip, resubmitting it to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and endorsing it, the Palestinian scene witnessed different public and official reactions towards the PA’s handling of the report. The UN Human Rights Council Report was the main factor in escalating the war of words between the poles of the Palestinian political system.

Time again and after raising the expectations of the Palestinian public to an imminent national reconciliation agreement following several rounds of talks, a national reconciliation agreement has not been signed by some Palestinian factions including Hamas; most Palestinian factions who are members of the PLO, signed it

On another scale, some Palestinian resources revealed President Mahmoud Abbas’s intention to issue a presidential decree in which he will assign a date for Palestinian Presidential and Legislative elections as it is a constitutional demand whether a reconciliation is achieved or not.

The Results

Following are the results of the Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 39 conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University during the period from 22-24 October 2009. The University sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll no. 39 undertakes the national reconciliation, the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council, the performance of the governments of Salam Fayyad and Ismail Haniyeh in addition to political affiliations and other issues.

The sample included 1360 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 860 persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about ±3%; still 3.7% of the members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.

The General Results:

  • 40.8% of respondents saw that the one responsible for deferring the signing of a reconciliation agreement is Hamas; 22.4% saw that it is Fateh.
  • 65.4% of respondents believed that some Arab countries are endeavoring to drive away the possibility of reaching a Palestinian reconciliation agreement.
  • 39.6% of respondents believed that Hamas is the Palestinian party that reaps an advantage of not signing a reconciliation agreement; 24.7% believed that it is Fateh who reaps the advantage.
  • 21.7% of respondents believed that Fateh is not really concerned with signing the Palestinian reconciliation agreement; 46% said it is Hamas who is not concerned.
  • 37.4% of respondents said that they are not optimistic of signing a reconciliation agreement in the near future.
  • 46.8% of respondents believed that the sides of the Palestinian dialogue, particularly Fateh and Hamas, are not concerned with ending the Palestinian split.
  • 49% of respondents expected that internal Palestinian confrontations may erupt in the West Bank in case a Palestinian reconciliation agreement is not reached.
  • 59.1% of respondents expected that internal Palestinian confrontations may erupt in the Gaza Strip in case a Palestinian reconciliation agreement is not reached.
  • 60.8% of respondents said that signing a reconciliation agreement will affect them positively; 10.8% said it will affect them negatively.
  • 50.4% of respondents believed that the reason behind not reaching a Palestinian reconciliation agreement is that some people seek to achieve personal interests; 43.8% believed that the reason has to do with seeking factional interests.
  • 25.3% of respondents believed that the delay in the signing of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement is because of pressures exerted by some Arab sides; 32.1% believed that it is because of some regional pressures, and 35.8% believed that it is because of the factional interests of Fateh and Hamas.
  • 55.6% of respondents supported the implementation of the recommendations of the Goldstone Report despite the fact that it charges both Israel and Hamas with war crimes
  • 31.3% of respondents said that the Palestinian Authority committed a mistake and corrected it by resubmitting the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council; 29.5% said that resubmitting the Report was a tactic to contain the anger of the Palestinian public, 21.2% said that the PA wanted to disarm Hamas of all possible pretexts that would justify the refusal of singing the reconciliation agreement
  • 40.7% of respondents believed that the Palestinian people are the main beneficiaries of resubmitting the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council; 31.3% believed that the main beneficiary is the PA, and 14.1% believed that the main beneficiary is the Hamas Government in Gaza.
  • 52.7% of respondents believed that the Goldstone Report was employed to serve factional interests; 28.3% believed the contrary.
  • 66.2% of respondents supported the issuance of a presidential decree by President Mahmoud Abbas confirming the constitutional date of the elections on 26/1/2010
  • 29.6% of respondents believed that issuing a decree confirming the constitutional date of the elections would deepen the state of Palestinian division; 27.6% believed that a decree would be an exit for all from the state of division, and 37.6% believed that confirming the elections date is a constitutional right regardless of its consequences.
  • 75.7% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming presidential elections. From among those who said they will participate, 40% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidate; 16% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidate.
  • 75.8% of respondents said that they will participate in the coming legislative elections. From among those who said they will participate, 42.9% said that they will give their votes to Fateh's candidates; 16.8% said they will give their votes to Hamas' candidates.
  • If PLC elections are to be conducted, 48.8% of respondents expected the winning of Fateh movement; 16.9% expected the winning of Hamas.
  • 69.1% of respondents expected some confrontations between Palestinians and settlers in case Israel evacuates some of the random settlement sites in the West Bank.
  • 60.1% of respondents saw that the government of Salam Fayyad is the most capable of managing the Palestinian internal affairs; 20.5% saw that the government of Ismail Haniyeh is the most capable.
  • 61.2% of respondents assessed the performance of the government of Salam Fayyad as “good”
  • 33.9% of respondents assessed the performance of the government of Ismail Haniyeh as “good”
  • 53.5% of respondents expressed fear for their lives under the present circumstances.
  • 66.6% of respondents said that they are pessimistic of the general Palestinian situation at this stage.
  • 76.8% of respondents said that they neither feel safe for themselves nor for their families and properties under the current circumstances.
  • As for political affiliation respondents gave the following results:

    People’s Party0.7%
    Democratic Front%1.0
    Islamic Jihad1.6%
    Popular Front2.7%
    Palestinian National Initiative1.0%
    I am an independent nationalist6.6%
    I am an independent Islamist2.3%
    None of the above30.6%

To View the Full Result as PDF (93 KB)

By the Same Author
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