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Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Poll No. 172
Date: August 30, 2010

The most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, conducted and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion revealed that:

  • Around one- third (31.7 %) of the Palestinian public are in favor of starting the direct negotiations, (31.1 %) are in favor of continuing the indirect talks and (31.1 %) plead for the freeze of the negotiations.

  • An overwhelming majority (86.7 %) of the Palestinians oppose the political options proposed by the former Israeli Minister of Defense, Moshe Ahrens.

  • An overwhelming majority (90.7 %) of the Palestinian people oppose the call of the present Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman, to have Gaza Strip annexed to Egypt.

  • A clear majority (79.4 %) of the Palestinian public believe that the visit of the US-envoy, George Mitchell, will not lead to any progress in the peace process.

  • |Two thirds of the Palestinians do not believe that the US-President Barack Obama is capable of establishing a Palestinian state.

  • More than half of the Palestinians prefer the two-state solution, a State of Israel and a State of Palestine side by side, rather than the solution of the bi-national state.

Beit Sahour – Public Relations Section:

The most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, conducted and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) during the period from August 2 to 10, 2010, covered a random sample of (1010) respondents representing the various demographic specimens of adult Palestinians (18 years and above) living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. The poll revealed the different perspectives of the Palestinians regarding the negotiations with Israel. Only one third of the Palestinians, specifically (31.7 %), are in favor of starting the direct negotiations with Israel, whilst another third (31.1 %) are for the continuation of the indirect talks, and the last third, namely (31.1 %) plead for the freeze of the negotiations.

Dr. Nabil Kukali, founder and Director-General of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, said that the majority of the Palestinians, almost two thirds, are in favor of negotiating with the Israelis, regardless of whether direct or indirect talks. “This indicates clearly”, Dr. Kukali said “that the Palestinian people chose the strategy of peace”. He continued that the Palestinians are by nature optimistic people, who are longing for peace whatever the obstacles they encounter might be. Dr. Kukali further added that the Palestinians do hope to reach an agreement that puts an end to the weary occupation and establish their own independent state. He noted that the Palestinians expect through the direct negotiations with Israel to receive a substantial support from the Arab and Islamic states as well as an increased international pressure on Israel and its exposure, for that is the only way that would force Israel to give up its obstinacy. Dr. Kukali suggested that Israel should prove to the world its commitment to peace by accepting the negotiations on core issues such as the final borders, future of Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugees and to show good intentions to the conclusion of a peace agreement with the Palestinians before the end of 2011. He indicated that the success of negotiations will largely depend on the extent of resolve of the US-President, Barack Obama, and his administration in exerting a real pressure on the Israeli side. “Without this”, Dr. Kukali said, “Netanyahu would not respond to any just and final demands”.

Nevertheless, a considerable majority of the Palestinian public, precisely two thirds (66.0 %), feel that the US-President is incapable of establishing a Palestinian state, and that four from five Palestinians believe that the visits made by the US-envoy, George Mitchell, would not lead to any progress in the peace process. Despite this pessimistic prognosis, Dr. Kukali pleads that all the Palestinians should support the Palestinian negotiator, improve the negotiation atmosphere and reactivate the power elements that back him (the Palestinian negotiator) rather than uttering accusations and placing obstacles.

In conclusion, Dr. Kukali said that the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people positively evaluated the attitude of the Palestinian PM, Dr. Salam Fayyad, in combating corruption, in the issues of security and reform.

Dr. Nabil Kukali said the results of the poll were as follows:

By the Same Author
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