Monday, 1 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

• A majority of Palestinians supports the negotiations and believes that the negotiations serve the national interests, although they think that the Palestinians accepted entering negotiations because of external pressure.

• Slight improvement in the view towards the US after the resumption of the peace efforts

• Rise in rate of confidence in President Abbas and Fatah Movement

• A majority says security and safety have improved in the West Bank.

• MBC TV Station is the most watched during the month of Ramadan; Al-Jazeera TV is the main source of news and local Ajyal Radio Station got highest rating among listeners.

• A majority of 63% does not shake hands with the other sex.

Peace & Negotiations

The results of the public opinion poll conducted by Jerusalem Media & Communications Center, which were published today, showed that a majority of the Palestinians (54.3%) believes that the Palestinian acceptance to resume the peace negotiations serves the Palestinian interests, although at the same time a majority of Palestinians (58.8%) said the Palestinian acceptance of the Quartet Committee’s request to resume the negotiations came because of external pressure. A ratio of 34.2% said the Palestinian acceptance to resume negotiations was due to the belief that there is a possibility to make these negotiations succeed.

The poll, which was conducted during the period September 11-15, 2010 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, included a random sample of 1,200 respondents. A majority of the respondents (55.7%) said no major changes will occur on the current status quo as a result of the negotiations compared with a ratio of 38.3%, who believe that the negotiations will result in major changes.

Confidence in the US Administration

It seems that the resumption of the US diplomatic efforts has not led to a major improvement in the view towards the US among the Palestinian people as the ratio of Palestinians, who note improvement in the US diplomatic performance towards the Middle East issues, rose from 10.1% in April 2010 to 13.9% in this poll.

Negotiations & Resistance

In general, a majority of Palestinians (52.9%) believes that the negotiations are the most effective strategy for the Palestinians in order to achieve their national goals compared with a ratio of 25.7% who said that violent resistance is the best method while a ratio of 15.7% said non-violent resistance is the most effective strategy.

Within the same context, a majority of the Palestinians (52%) said the recent military operation that led to the killing of four settlers near Hebron harms the Palestinian national interests while a ratio of 25.6% said the operation serves the Palestinian national interests.

Political Parties and Leaders

The poll shows that the ratio of confidence in President Abbas went up from 14.8% last April to 19% this September while Ismail Haniyeh maintained his second rank with Marwan Barghouthi coming in third. They are followed by Salam Fayyad, Muhammad Dahlan and Mustafa Barghouthi.

With regard to the political factions, the rate of confidence in Fatah Movement rose from 36.2% last April to 40.7% this September. Hamas came in second place with a confidence ratio of 13.2%.The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) obtained the third place with a ratio of 2.9%, followed by the Palestinian National Initiative (Al-Mubadarah) with 2.0%. A ratio of 30.8% of the Palestinians said they do not trust any faction.

Mass Media and Source of News

The poll, which was conducted immediately after the Holy Month of Ramadan, showed that the majority of Palestinians (33.9%) watched MBC TV Station followed by Palestine TV Station with a ratio of 9.8% and Al-Jazeera TV Station came in third place with a ratio of 9%. Abu Dhabi TV Station came in fourth place and Al-Aqsa TV Station came in fifth place. When asked about the TV Station that people watch to get news, a majority of Palestinians (54.2%) said they watch Al-Jazeera TV Station for news while a ratio of 15.7% watch Al-Arabeyah TV Station while a ratio of 7.8% watch Palestine TV Station.

With regard to the radio stations, a slight majority (10.8%) said they listen to Ajyal Radio Station more than any other station while a ratio of 5.8% listens to Al-Quds Radio Station and a ratio of 5.2% listens to Al-Aqsa Radio Station. A ratio of 4.4% listens to Marah Radio Station and 4.3% listen to Voice of Palestine. With regard to the source of news, Ajyal Radio Station came in first place as the main source of news with a ratio of 10.2% followed by Al-Aqsa Radio Station. Voice of Israel came in third place followed by Voice of Palestine.

Performance of the Government and the President

With regard to the performance of Mahmoud Abbas as PA President, the poll results showed that the ratio of Palestinians who are satisfied with the way he is running the PA affairs rose from 48.6% last April to reach 53.9% in this poll.

The poll shows increase in views of Palestinians who feel that security and safety have improved under the Palestinian government headed by PM Salam Fayyad to reach 50.7% this September compared with 43.7% last April. At the same time, the poll noted that less Palestinians believe that security and safety have improved in the Gaza Strip from 32.4% last April to reach 30.2% this September.

A ratio of 38.9% believes that the status of freedom of expression and the right to association and other rights have improved compared with a ratio of 23.2% who said these rights have deteriorated. A ratio of 17.5% of the respondents in Gaza said the status of freedom of expression and right to association and other rights have improved compared with 40.8% who said these rights have witnessed deterioration.

With regard to the party responsible for the escalating water crisis in the Palestinian territories, a majority of Palestinians (68.5%) blamed Israel for the crisis while a ratio of 14.9% held the PNA responsible for the crisis and 14.1% said the local councils are to blame.

On the issue of canceling the Local Council elections which were scheduled for July 17, 2010, a majority of Palestinians (31%) blamed the PA for canceling the elections at the last moment while a ratio of 23.1% blamed Fatah Movement and 30.7% held the foreign governments responsible for the decision.

Regarding the decision to the early shift to winter timing on the first day of Ramadan, which spurred some debate, a majority of the Palestinians (67.5%) said the decision was a positive one while a ratio of 28.7% said it was a negative decision.

Pedantism in the society

With regard to the debate on increasing signs of pedantism in the society, a majority of 62.5% of the respondents said they don’t shake hands with the other sex compared with 36.7% who do. When asked about the reason behind not shaking hands with the other sex, a majority (85.9%) said they do it for religious reasons compared with 13.9% who said they follow social habits and traditions.

To View the Full Result as PDF (132 KB)

By the Same Author
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