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Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Poll No. 177
June 11, 2011

Dr. Kukali: Lingering on the constitution of a transitional government would negatively affect the Palestinian economy.

Beit Sahour – Section of Public Relations:

The most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (www.pcpo.org), now an associate member of Gallup International Association (GIA) and the World Independent Network for Market Research (WIN) and as such the sole representative of Palestine, during the period from May 26 till June 7, 2011, covered a random sample of (1020) Palestinian respondents representing the various demographic specimens of adult Palestinians (18 years and above) living in the west Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. It has revealed that (40.9 %) of the Palestinians believe that lingering on the constitution of a transitional government would negatively affect the Palestinian economy.

Dr. Kukali, in his capacity as President of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, said that the Palestinian public is aware of the pressing need of implementing the Reconciliation Accord concluded between Fateh and Hamas in order to boost and develop the economy. The Palestinians, he said, are now hoping that the economic situation in the Palestinian Territories after the reconciliation will improve as it’s expected that the political stability and security should revive the role of the different economic sectors such as the local industries, particularly that of tourism, increase the trade exchange between the west Bank and Gaza Strip and encourage investments in the Palestinian Territories.

Dr. Kukali showed that there is a cautious optimism among the Palestinians with regard to the building of the Palestinian economy after the reconciliation as the rate of the optimists (49.1 %) and that of the pessimists (48.7 %) are almost balanced. Dr. Kukali referred these feelings of the Palestinian public to the fact that the Israeli policies and measures control the trade border-crossings and impede the transportation and free movement of the foreign trade. Add thereto the inability of the Palestinian government to cover the deficit of the PA balance without relying on the foreign aids aggravates the economic hardship in the country. Dr. Kukali further pointed out that the donor countries and Israel provide actually two thirds of the revenues of the Palestinian Authority.

Dr. Kukali, a renowned pollster and economist, emphasized in his comment the necessity of boosting the Palestinian economy along both tracks, its relief and development, by the donor countries in general and the rich Arab oil countries in particular. A comprehensive plan, he suggested, should be laid for the building of the Palestinian economy and the provision of manpower and financial resources as to achieve the goals of this plan. Such a master plan should also include the opening of the commercial border-crossings, the establishment of industrial zones, the construction of a sea-port in Gaza and an airport in the West Bank, the restoration of Gaza airport and the connection of the major two Palestinian regions, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, by a land corridor.

Dr. Kukali concluded his comments by revealing that the majority of the Palestinian people view the performance of the Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, in the economic sector positively.

Hereunder the details of the poll issues:

Lingering on the constitution of a transitional government:

Responding to the question: “Several weeks after the signing of the Reconciliation Accord concluded by and between the two major parties, Fateh and Hamas, in Cairo, do you believe that lingering on the constitution of a transitional government would negatively or positively impact the Palestinian economy, or would it effect no change ?”, (40.9 %) said “it would negatively impact”, (28.2 %) “it would positively impact” and (25.6 %) said “it would have no effect”. (5.3 %) answered “I don’t know”.

Improvement of the economic situation as a result of the reconciliation

Regarding the question:” In the light of the reconciliation between Fateh and Hamas, do you think that the economic situation in the country would improve, retreat, or remain unchanged ?” , (33.8 %) said “it would improve”, (48.8 %) “it would retreat”, (17.1 %) “would remain unchanged” and (0.3 %) answered “I don’t know”.

Optimism and Pessimism

Responding to the question: “ On the 3rd of May 2011, Hamas and Fateh celebrated the conclusion of the Reconciliation Accord between them. Having this in mind, are you optimistic or pessimistic for the improvement of the economic situations in the Palestinian Territories ?” (49.1 %) said “optimistic”, (48.7 %) “pessimistic” and (2.2 %) said “I don’t know”.

Potential assistance of the Arab countries

(55.3 %) of the respondents are of the opinion that the rich Arab oil countries are able to cover the financial assistance provided by the EU countries and the US to the Palestinian government, whilst (44.1 %) said they are unable and (1.6 %) declined the answer to the question.

Performance of Dr. Salam Fayyad

(54.2 %) evaluated the performance of the Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, in the economic field as “good”, (22.9 %) “fair”, (17.1 %) “bad” and (5.8 %) declined the answer to the question.

Significance of the US-American and European Aid:

Regarding the question: "Up to which extent the US-American and European financial and economical aid contribute in general to the well-being of the Palestinian people ?", (35.4%) said "to a high degree", (42.2%) "to a mediocre degree", (14.9%) "to an unimportant degree", (5.8%) said "nil", and (1.7%) "don't know".

The economic conditions

(36.3%) of the Palestinians evaluated the general economic condition in the Palestinian territories as "bad" whilst (49.0%) said "it's mediocre", only (14.7%) described it as "good".

The concerns of the citizen

Responding to the question: "What is your main concern at present ? ", (23.7%) answered " job / money", (29.9%) "the security", (14.2%) "the health" and (32.2%) "the future".

The content with the life

Answering the question: "How much are you in general content with your life?" taking into consideration that the answers were in figures from 1 to 10 where (1) stands for the utmost degree of discontent and (10) for the utmost degree of content. The outcome was in average (4.79).

Methodology of the Survey Study:

Miss Rana Kukali, a staff member of the Research and Studies' Section at the PCPO, said that all interviews of this survey were conducted inside the respondents' homes, i.e. face-to-face during different working hours, at least 5 hours a day, including the evening time, in order to ensure proper representation of those sub-groups of the population, which would otherwise be difficult to reach and selecting one individual in each household using Last Birthday Method. The choices were taken from a total of (150) election sites, from which (113) sites are located in West Bank and (37) sites in Gaza Strip according to the distribution of the Central Election Commission. These election sites were randomly chosen by using the method of the simple random sample. These in turn were the beginning of the random sample choice made from those regions in accordance with PCPO's long experienced methodology.

Miss Rana Kukali has further established that the margin of error was (±3.07%) at a significance and confidence levels of (5%) and (95%) respectively. She added that the rate of the female respondents in this survey was (49.7%) against (50.3%) male respondents. The distribution of the random sample between the Palestinian two major regions was (63.9%) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and (36.1%) in Gaza Strip, and allocated as follows: (52.1%) for the towns, (31.3%) for the villages and (16.6%) for the camps.

By the Same Author
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